Takatsukasa Family Tree

Lady hatake February 25, 2018 3:06 am

Imagine all of the takatsukasa brothers and father at kanato, riju, and shunske’s school festival, hotness overload. For those that are confused this manga is linked to kirepapa which insidently has an ova. The following is a brief description of how everybody is connected.

Takatsukasa Family
Chihiro-dad{inn owner}- age:unknown

Chitose-son1-{inn manager}- age: mid 30’s
yukito(chitose’s seme)-age: unknow but it’s hintted he is younger than chitose.

Chidori-son2{inn chef}- age: early 30’s

Chisato-son3 - {novel writer}-age:30 but looks 18
shunske(chisato’s seme){novel writer}-age: 15 but looks 20
riju(chisato’s son){student}-15

Sena-son4- {CEO of toy company}-age: unknow but maybe late 20’s
kaname(uke){student}- I’m guessing 15-16

Chikage-son5{ secretary of toy company}-age: unknown but maybe early 20’s

In short most of the takatsukasa brothers are pedophiles but who cares it makes for an interesting read

    Scarlet Maya May 4, 2018 1:28 am

    sena & chikage are twins.....plus in kirepapa, riju once said that chisato is the youngest of five brothers..if chitose is the eldest & chidori the second son, means that sena or chikage is the third/fourth son. they are twins so i'm not sure which one is older