Happy my friend showed this to me

MyPictureSaysItAll February 24, 2018 11:51 pm

I'm supperr happy my friend showed this to me. She's kinda a homophobic person and she has completely different tastes from me, so I thought it was gonna be trash. This is far from trash, this is like a fucking unicorn puke a double rainbow and sugar coated it and added glitter. I now have diabetes ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    narumaki February 25, 2018 12:02 am

    i dont get it. your friend is homophobic but she reads yaoi.

    MyPictureSaysItAll February 25, 2018 12:51 am

    She's kinda one, and she really doesn't read it, she kinda reads only shounen ai every once in a while

    narumaki February 25, 2018 1:15 am
    She's kinda one, and she really doesn't read it, she kinda reads only shounen ai every once in a while MyPictureSaysItAll

    that doesnt make sense in anyway.

    MyPictureSaysItAll February 25, 2018 1:26 am
    that doesnt make sense in anyway. narumaki

    Well it does to me

    Tom March 3, 2018 4:07 am
    Well it does to me MyPictureSaysItAll

    I am so confused there is a glitter ring orbiting my head

    narumaki March 3, 2018 4:33 am
    Well it does to me MyPictureSaysItAll

    because you are like her?

    Tom March 3, 2018 1:05 pm

    Like who?

    Tom March 3, 2018 1:06 pm

    oh, never mind

    MyPictureSaysItAll March 4, 2018 4:58 am
    because you are like her? narumaki

    Loool, No not al all, im a full on yaoi lover freak