Dangerous Pleasure Scan Group

⚣_Holic February 24, 2018 12:08 pm

Does anyone know anything about DP scans disbanding OR going on haitus? They are one of the oldest scan group and they work on a LOT of BL simultaneously. I love their work but seeing as they haven't released in over a year, I just wanted to know if I should keep my hopes up for the projects they were working on or consider them on haitus/dropped. As to why I am asking here on Mangago, I have seen some scanlators from other groups here on mangago. So, I am hoping if anyone of them OR any fans might have info on that.

    leeloo February 24, 2018 1:52 pm

    following, sorry
    I've also wondered about it, since they didn't say anything about it (on their site at least) and just stopped posting.. :'(