In defense of Kyunghee

1evis1ittlea$$hole February 23, 2018 5:48 am

I find it a bit disturbing how people are saying Kyunghee should "reap what he sowed" concerning the sunbae and sugar daddy. Like I get that he's not a good person but does he really deserve this ptsd inducing shit? First of all he didn't do anything wrong to the sugar daddy, they had an agreement, he gets money and the sugar daddy gets some ass. It's not his fault the sugar daddy got too attached knowing Kyunghee never wanted more than money(and don't give me that 'he shouldn't make money that way' college is goddamn expensive and not everyone has financial aid, he was probably desperate). Kyunghee ended it like he should have and got blackmailed, he was the victim.

As for the sunbae, I can't believe y'all acting brand new like that dude wasn't crazy from the jump. There was literal foreshadowing when the sunbae took a picture of Kyunghee without his permission and came on it(Chapter 12). He was clearly obsessed from the beginning, it's understandably easy to forget since he's so nice/timid on the outside but that doesn't make him any less crazy. Yes Kyunghee was a dick for using him, yes Kyunghee deserves a punch in the face or perhaps to be abandoned by the sunbae but he does not deserve another rapist/stalker. I wouldn't wish rape or stalking on my worst enemy.

Kyunghee is not a squeaky clean morally superior MC like we're used to, he's also not the typical whiny, weak ass bottom we usually get. He's objectively an asshole but he is a damn refreshing and interesting MC. I feel like people don't know how to sympathize with complex characters like him because we're so used to cookie cutter characters that don't challenge how we view people. It's so black and white: 'he's a jerk so suddenly he can't be a victim.' Um, what? I believe people should get karma equal to what they've done, I think if someone broke Kyunghee's heart and used him he'd 100% deserve it. But rape and stalking is just too harsh a punishment even if he used the sunbae. I honestly think the author intended for us to sympathize with Kyunghee so I'm happy I'm not the only one that feels he doesn't deserve all this crazy shit. The victim blaming is real though lol

    Anonymous February 23, 2018 6:11 am

    kudos to this post right here tbh. especially the last paragraph.

    >Kyunghee is not a squeaky clean morally superior MC like we're used to, he's also not the typical whiny, weak ass bottom we usually get.

    like you said, it's refreshing. he's not an "uke" he's average guy with a rough childhood and grew up finding he could use his body and wit to make life easier on himself and mother (who he promised to be a grown up and help take care of as a child still). oh and he happens to bottom in sex, like that's the after thought rather than the whole bases of his character. yaoi and bl are basically interchangeable, but this really doesn't feel so much like yaoi and instead more like bl.

    I love that he's like a "man" still, albeit foolish, but I like that I'm not reading what feels like a woman just drawn as a man. it truly is refreshing, and I've found there are several korean webtoons for the bl genre that lean more towards men than yaoi typically does.

    It's not like all readers need to feel so sorry for him and coddle him, but at the same time hoping he "gets his" is really over the top also. I'm curious to see where this character will go next. he's enjoyable.

    Reika February 23, 2018 6:29 am

    You have a lot of good strong points here and I agree with most of them I just really don't like Kyunghee as a character though. Not saying I don't enjoy the story and I will gladly continue reading to see where it goes...but my feeling of pity for him when he was getting harassed about the older guy dissipated when he used the sunbae like that...idk I just don't think it was fair to involve him in all of this with the only reason being to use him in some way. It just irks me pretty bad because its not like the sunbae just snapped or something he was provoked with all of the phone calls and sly comments from the older guy, he truly wanted to protect kyunghee because he believed he was in danger which is indeed what kyunghee made him believe but now he's the bad guy for trying to save him when in reality he has no idea he's just being played...aaah idk it's just hard to have pity for kyunghee when he needlessly created this mess with the sunbae. I agree with what you said about the sunbae being a bit obsessed to begin with however something tells me he wouldnt be THIS obsessive had he never been toyed with. I'm with you about not wishing rape and stalking on Kyunghee, he really doesn't deserve that but I honestly can't say this crazy sunbae isn't his fault, he created another obsessive monster.

    sakisnow25 February 23, 2018 6:38 am

    People can have opinions for themselves you know, like how you chose to sympathize with kyunghee i can also chose not to sympathize with him.
    For me he is definitely not what i would call a victim, he just as guilty as the other two. He goes around using people for his own purpose, but people can be unpredictable and if he knows better he won't go making them a chess piece in his game. He just as fuck up as anyone in this comic.

    Anonymous February 24, 2018 7:22 pm
    You have a lot of good strong points here and I agree with most of them I just really don't like Kyunghee as a character though. Not saying I don't enjoy the story and I will gladly continue reading to see wher... @Reika

    tbh if the sunbae was crazy from the start I feel like anything could potential set him off, that how it is with unstable people. But yea I'm not saying people have to like him, in fact I think people are justified in hating him lol

    Anonymous February 24, 2018 7:30 pm
    People can have opinions for themselves you know, like how you chose to sympathize with kyunghee i can also chose not to sympathize with him.For me he is definitely not what i would call a victim, he just as gu... sakisnow25

    He gets stalked and has been raped, that is a victim rather you like it or not it's a fact that he has been a victim of something. You literally just proved my point about people's black and white thinking, he's guilty of one thing so there's no way for him to be victimized? That's not how things work. The world in not that simple dude. Also did I say he wasn't fucked up? Where did I say people can't have opinions? Stop putting words in my mouth my dude. Would you say a girl can't be a victim of rape because she teased and used the guy that did it? That honestly sounds crazy to me.

    Anonymous February 24, 2018 7:31 pm
    kudos to this post right here tbh. especially the last paragraph.>Kyunghee is not a squeaky clean morally superior MC like we're used to, he's also not the typical whiny, weak ass bottom we usually ... @Anonymous

    "It's not like all readers need to feel so sorry for him and coddle him, but at the same time hoping he "gets his" is really over the top also. I'm curious to see where this character will go next. he's enjoyable."

    This, fucking this.