I've read all the translated chapters available on this site. I also left a lengthy comment. The one I can't stand is Yule's sister. Knew exactly what was happening to Kyungsoo but didn't do nothing about it. Yule's brother is a hypocrite. "You need help" "How could you do this to him?" We're all the words that left his mouth. While we raped Kyungsoo and abused him.. Yule is some idiot who can't understand consent,kidnapping and love. Trying to make Kyungsoo his will never work. The whole fa ily is ignorant and if I ever get inside of my screen and into that manga I'm going to vist each one.
I’m only about 20 chapters in (so please no spoilers!!!!) and have decided that 1) I really, really don’t want this to turn into a ‘victim falls for his rapist who actually has a tragic backstory and thus supposed reason for raping him’ and 2) Yule’s sister is insane and delightful XD