Furuta Nimura is an unloved child

Akira February 20, 2018 10:37 am

He breaks my heart.He has been through a lot and he has never had a chance in his life.
Everyone says Touka doesn't deserve hate and everyone supports Kaneki but nobody ever tries to understand Furuta.Touka and Kaneki are not quite as interesting characters compared to Furuta who has played them all.And its not only his fault for everything that happened. Kanou,Kaneki and everyone is in the wrong too.

    Akira February 21, 2018 2:54 am
    People have every right to hate on whoever they want for whatever reasons. Don't be salty just because your favourite character gets the hate while other characters don't as much. And it is pretty obvious why F... Ikenai-Taiyou

    Furuta is literally Tokyo Ghoul it self.
    There wouldn't be a story without Furuta.
    He is not just a character. A villain at that.Whoever hates on Furuta basically hates Tokyo Ghoul in its entirety.
    Its not as simple as you think.

    pennyinheaven February 21, 2018 4:43 am

    I just realized how fucked up my grammar is. I deeply apologize. I lack sleep, my mind is on throttle while writing them and I was commuting to work.

    @Akira, I did say that TG is not JUST a story of twists but it is definitely about that, too.

    Anyway, the reason Kaneki is the main character, not Furuta, Rize or Eto (my top three protagonists, Arima, too but he didn't have much 'screen' time) is because the ordinary ghouls, the not so great ones, the battered, abused and oppressed ones need to prevail and the protagonists are working hard to lift them out of the underworld. Ishida took Kaneki's POV because he wants us to feel what it means and feels being a ghoul. We are not great nor extraordinary, we are just any other human who just happens to be feeding on human flesh/blood. Which is the point of Touken.

    Their relationship development was never 'in your face' or blatantly obvious because this is not shoujo or any other romance genre. Their development was written like any other normal and real life romance that develops gradually and next thing you know, you're already in love. But the development and chemistry were there way back, it was just never as obvious and cliché as the typical romance series.

    Sheba_san002 February 21, 2018 4:51 am

    Can y'all like calm down it ain't that serious we can all have different opinions my friend is in love with Furuta and hates Kaneki and I'm kinda the opposite it doesn't reallt matter we still like the same thing

    pennyinheaven February 21, 2018 5:23 am
    Nope Kaneki doesn't represent all that.He is lonely depressed and suicidal.He hates himself and his life and becoming a ghoul is still something he considers a curse.However Kaneki has managed to adjust to a ce... Akira

    Uhm exactly what I just said but yours was more like "everything wrong about Kaneki Ken".
    Like I said, Ishida's perspective is that readers follow a normal character. He is not supposed to be great. Protagonists are great characters because they move the plot forward. Typical of shounen wherein your main character (MC) leads the story on and side characters learn or take something from the MC.

    Furuta and others are protagonists, they move the plot forward. Other characters take things from them or experience things because of them. Kaneki, our MC, is the receiver of the protagonists' actions, instead of the other way around.

    You keep on degrading Kaneki as a failure of a main character but the thing is, it was designed to be like this. It's a writing style. Shifting the POV from the usual. We usually lump the terms protagonist, hero, good guy and MC into one character but Ishida is breaking that standard by separating those terms to Kaneki and Furuta. Hero - the guy who saves the day - still associated to Kaneki because it is expected that he will save ghouls.

    You're expecting MC to be smart and always will make ways to get out of the situation and save the day but Ishida made a depressing and helpless MC because (my intake) his struggles will connect more to the ghouls and for the readers who experience shit from day to day. Thus as a reader, you are immersed on the ghoul life than if you are following an MC who gets to succeed on the struggles they face. Shounen or typical MCs give a sense of power or control because they win at the end of a fight. As a reader, it's something you don't always experience IRL thus you are taken in an AU while reading the story, thinking "what if I am this MC?" this is empowering you as a reader, at least while reading. Kaneki isn't like that but just like any other real life human you learn by experience. Yes it has taken this long but that's because he still hasn't fully grasped his identity as a ghoul, until he finally kills humans, because he values human life. If you were Kaneki, you might be also finding yourself being stubborn on seeing that killing ghouls and humans are no different.

    Kaneki is being (taking forever) honed to become a hero, he is not written as THE hero.
    Sorry but your argument is actually agreeing with my explanation about protags and MC but not seeing why it was written this way.

    pennyinheaven February 21, 2018 5:33 am
    Can y'all like calm down it ain't that serious we can all have different opinions my friend is in love with Furuta and hates Kaneki and I'm kinda the opposite it doesn't reallt matter we still like the same thi... Sheba_san002

    Nothing wrong with loving Furuta and hating on Kaneki, though I love both. But let us make it clear why Kaneki is a good main character.

    Akira February 21, 2018 7:42 am
    I just realized how fucked up my grammar is. I deeply apologize. I lack sleep, my mind is on throttle while writing them and I was commuting to work. @Akira, I did say that TG is not JUST a story of twists but ... pennyinheaven

    Touken had no development. It doesn't matter if it's a shonen.I have read other shonen with that development
    An example is Fullmetal Alchemist.
    Even Amon and Akira Mado have more development than Touken within Tokyo Ghoul
    Touka and Kaneki never really had the time to actually trully know each other on any level.They have spend more time away from each other than together and the ground their relationship is based is wrong in the first place.
    Touka like Kaneki is deprived of any love and affection in her life.Even her brother hates her and has tried to kill her.
    Touka might also be depressed and self loathing so just like Kaneki she is simply trying to occupy her mind and her existence with someone else.
    Two damaged ghouls cling to each other because they are desperate and have no other choice basically.
    The way their relationship was executed was bs too.
    They simply met again after not having seen each other for years (the last time they saw each other Touka beat the crap out of Kaneki because he never cared about her specifically or put her as his priority ever)
    Sex and pregnancy right away its obvious that Ishida simply just used that cliche trope of main female mc and main male mc should be together.
    That's it.
    They never had time together,they never totally learned or experienced each other as a couple and they are starting a family right away.
    That is not a good development for a couple.Its just like the toxic couples that dont make sense (like SasuSaku) just for the sake of the franchise.
    You can be one of the people who dont have a problem with tropes like that.
    But actually to claim that Touken had even the slightest development and are in love I just call bullshit.
    They are both depressed self loathing individuals who are desperate for something to keep their minds occupied and not become even more self destructive.
    To save themselves they rushed in that "relationship" that is were their "relationship" is built on.
    That is not love.

    Akira February 21, 2018 8:03 am
    The conversation was going well but went downhill right away. Good thing I slept lol. Even if you Akira has your opinion regarding Touken, you still fall under those who share the same opinion but with a differ... pennyinheaven

    Kaneki and Touka are exactly like they were in the beginning. They haven't changed or grown in the process of this story.The only changes are Kaneki's body and strength as a ghoul but not his personality.
    Touka on the other hand hasn't had any development.Not in character,not in power and abilities either.
    She even left school all her dreams and ambitions for a future just to be a mother and a wife.
    And they definitely haven't changed or become happier because of each other.
    They are very awkward around each other still no fundamental communication and it almost feels like Touka slept with Kaneki out of pity and desperation and Kaneki is obligated to take responsibility.
    If they had matured they wouldn't have taken the selfish decision to bring a child who didn't chose to be a monster in a world that already hates it.
    Touka's pregnancy is a handicap in the worst way.Even what she does know to supposedly help Kaneki aren't really effective plus she is constantly putting hers and her fetus life in danger.

    pennyinheaven February 21, 2018 12:08 pm

    Warning: TL fucking DR

    FMA? Nope. If this is about plot movement, FMA has the typical MC. Edward had a purpose and seeks his ways to accomplish that purpose, thus he is a character that moves the plot forward, the hero/MC AND the protagonist.

    Time depends on people. There are those who developed their relationship in x number of years before becoming a couple while there are those who did it in months time. They met at their worst but they met again with the other one more mature. Yes not mature enough, still has issues but has had made mature decisions than the other. The other one, well he has how many identities again?

    Self-loathing: Kaneki, yes. How can he change that easily? He thought he killed Hide, his memories wiped out then had to take care of an entire race right after he got his memories back. He did not have time to breathe.
    Touka, yes she's sad about Yoriko but was she actively loathes herself and acts that consequently leads to self-destruction pre-chapter 125? She had to stand strong and instead of seeking destruction, she emulated Yoshimura's values, for Kaneki and other ghouls, if possible. She let go of her strong facade one time (125) and that's it, never happened again. And is it logical to continue studying when they have nothing? Really? As if she gave those up to get banged up. That argument is just illogical. Please recall what happened and the impact of losing your home and your pillar at the same time. Besides there's a timeskip. We don't know how she managed to start a café without going to school. No need to spoon-feed that.

    Damaged people: Kaneki, maybe. Touka was not at :Re. She stopped forcing herself to be someone she will never be, thus her maturity. So it's not really as toxic because Touka is stable and became a strong foundation for Kaneki. It's not even a codependent relationship, more like obsessive from Kaneki, no, it was a mantra to set a goal for himself (144). It would have been toxic if they became a couple and banged in TG1 but Touka was a different person in :RE.

    Sex and pregnancy. It's not the last chapter or far from ending yet so it doesn't fall under that trope. I recently found out about that trope thanks to Gintama. Accident or planned pregnancy but the sex was indeed a surprise but do we really have to be prepared for it? It's like any other Western show I have seen, characters banging out of exhilaration and/or sadness. They needed to comfort each other, is that so wrong? They're adults already. If this wasn't TG, would you have the same reaction? I wonder. Mangas do not have music and filters to aid the execution of brewing romance to imply the those nuances.

    I don't want to explain how they complemented each other's disabilities/issues without being toxic because I am tired. Lol. But essentially it's being accepted and supported by a/an ghoul/ex-human.

    They are happy in their own world (132). Just between the two of them. Kaneki developed, in terms of plot, he now has a goal plus (renewed) principles like how a protagonist should, but he's still asleep for now. Let's see what happens after waking up. Touka became a truly strong person, not just pretending to be one, and that strength is kept pounded to the test. She's always calculative and on-guard about becoming vulnerable. So let's see when she'll breakdown.

    They don't talk a lot because they are both preventing to be too vulnerable because they are each other's weakness and strength. But they are communicating, non-verbally. They didn't need many words to understand each other (131).

    They changed but they were subtle and not as ground breaking as a plot twist but they were not anyless important. You either missed or refused to see them. I don't know how anyone will read this because it's fucking long, I wouldn't. You can hate Kaneki all you want because he's a sissy but I disagree that he hasn't changed, that he is not a good main character, nor that he and Touka were poorly written.

    PS. Congrats if you read all of this.

    pennyinheaven February 21, 2018 12:28 pm

    Disclaimer: I am not a Touken shipper pre-chapter 125 nor was I shipping anyone (well Amon and Akira they were written typically like a couple) but I was not surprised about their developement. Sex, yes, did not expect Ishida would dedicate a whole chapter for it but I am not surprised it happened. Thus, I am not defending them because I am a hardcore shipper. I just saw it happening.