Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones. But uh, it's a game boy advance game. It's on the Wii U virtual console I believe. It's a great game with twin protagonists. But since it's an older game, it has permadeath, with no mode for revival. So it's a bit more challenging.
If you want to stick to 3DS, then I recommend Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Excellent story, excellent art. And you can explore dungeons. A+

i really liked echoes just finished conquest, the app is fun too!

If you're able to download emulators:
- Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (pretty much sibling games in terms of story) are a great play! Nice characters, great gameplay and good story!
- The Blazing Blade is also another great old classic in the Fire Emblem series (because our beauty Lyn makes her debut!)
I really love that people are getting into my favourite game series <3
Bless Awakening.

Yea, Echoes is a remake of Fire Emblem 2, or Fire Emblem Gaiden. Well, better graphics, changed character designs in the biggest difference. lolll I mean thankfully, the new Boey is much cuter than his older version methinks. I think they changed a bit of a plot point regarding Celica later in the story, but it's not too big of a deal. Also the whole dealy with characters like Berkut, Fernand, and Faye is new. They didn't exist in the original. Also gameplay is tweaked in the newer version to make it a more modern Fire Emblem game, I believe. Plus, they now have a thing called Mila's Turnwheel that lets you like reset back to a few turns, or even the start of battle. Hella convenient when someone dies and you don't want to start over or lose their level ups. But storywise, it shouldn't be too different.
So you probably don't have to play the original. I don't think I will either, considering getting through the original Fire Emblem 4 on the snes emulator was quite difficult. Even though I heard it has a super good story! (T_T)
Sorry, for this long answer, I just am passionate about Fire Emblem. lolll
This is very non-manga related but, what is your favorite Fire Emblem game besides Fire Emblem Awakening (cause I have that one)
Please don't hate me- I just wanna know which one is worth it