You're a little, no, very fucked up. Kyungsoo doesn't benefit from being with Yule, Yule doesn't benefit from being with Kyungsoo. Remember? "Something about you inspires anger." Think of that for a second.

not even benefit—that relationship is straight up t o x i c

im actually gonna agree with you. I think he was very deeply hurt by the rape. and he still has feelings for him. i mean he was beginning to accept him again, before the brother told him he was manipulated. so he felt betrayed, i think thats why it was such a bigger shock. true the seme is sick.
but if you are with someone and they are sick is it right for the other person to leave them? instead they should support the sick one. im not saying he should forgive easily and forget but i think he really loves him, to the point of becoming obsessed. and if you look at the new boyfriend or the brother, they kinda starting to act this way too... except the original couple has been separated for 3 years, that must have drove an already anxious person to even greater extreme. well thats what i think... i still ship them together

I'm not even hating on Yule because he's fucked. He needs to go to an asylum. They don't benefit from each other and they never will. Yule is a psychopath, he killed his mother and has attempted to kill his brother. Get your head out of your ass.

he killed his mother? based on another psycho's testimony. we didnt rly see him push his mother off? he was just stnading there. and theres something wrong with the older brother too. look at his eyes. he was full of jealousy when he looked at the mother and yule sitting together. im 100% sure he rly did kill his mother. and maybe its even her death that fucked him up. and growing in a family like that. i dont think hes a psychopath tho. he is sick and needs help but.. well dont know, im not a doctor
This is actually what I want >.< gooo back ! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡he needs you >.< just forgive him and have a happy life