Jaeha needs help!!

Chanel February 18, 2018 2:24 am

Some people are made at Jaeha, some people are irritated by Eunho, I'm just worried about both of them. In Jaeha's case, he needs therapy. From his abusive father to the first guy he loved that left him emotionally scarred for life, to his ex-wife who technically left him because she found out he used to have sex with a guy. There's a reason Jaeha was terrified of someone finding out about him and his relationships, it never ended well for him.
In Eunho's case it's hard to love someone who's been through so much. You want to stay and be their rock because you KNOW they're a good person and yet it's exhausting. Sometimes putting up with their issues gets to be to much and yet you don't want to leave them because you know the way they are acting isn't their fault. You want to believe that your love will save them but you have to face the truth. Eventually you have to leave if this person doesn't seek help, because you can't save someone who isn't willing to take that first step to save themselves.
Eunho and Jaeha are soul mates and are perfect for each other but Jaeha needs professional help and Eunho needs to accept the fact that his love won't make everything better.

    tuesdaygal February 20, 2018 5:54 pm

    one of the most sensible comment here, god, i'm so tired of the comment session because all people do is do a shallow analysis of the characters and forget about everything that both have passed (especially in the case of jaeha)