oh, actually that happened to me ^^ after one year and 2 months i found his real Facebook and i saw that he cheated me. He was in a relationship with that girl for over 2 years so yeah... he cheated both of us haha. He even begged me not to say anything to his actual girlfriend because he loves her so much. I felt so sad and disgusted but i didn't said anything to that girl and we just "broke up". He never loved me. I don't regret that they lived in a lie hehe but i don't want to do anything bad to him. We even remained friends and sometimes we see each other. We has my first love and a jerk but i will go on. FIGHTING! (but still, use that toothbrush, i kinda want to do the same)

I wanted to be a saint and not tell the other person but I did i was like his not as good as you think he is we've been going out since we were like 14-15 so you're just some ducking side chick and then I threw them both out ma house cuz I caught them in my bed together then there his stuff outside the window along with his phone , PlayStation etc. I was so mad then he kicked me door called me a slut in like wtaf you call me a slut when you are the only person I've actually slept with fuck you and puched him in the mouth. Sorry I'm just ranting in so pissed and upset if any even pick one #-.-)

I've a friend whose been going out with this guy since she was 14..end up when we was 20.,she saw a pic of her bf with his wife and a baby..he didnt even tell her that he gonna get married or what..instead.,he just leave my friend hangging and waiting for him for years like an idiot..and now.,my friend somehow turn out to be someone who cant even trust the word love anymore.. (︶︿︶)=凸
What would you do if the guy you loved to bits and have been going out for a while and he has been cheating on you for a while year and you just found out what do you do????