spoiler/summaries of ch 22-28

iianes February 17, 2018 7:45 pm

i wrote this out for a friend and figured, maybe other people will want to know
it's long!!! sorry!!!
ch 22
starts off with a sex scene that is interrupted with a flashback of earlier that day
soohwa entered yohan's home and was immediately bothered by the fact there's a sudden bed. he wonders "it can't be he bought it because of me?" and notices it's very wide for just one person to use alone. he stops his thoughts and decides to pretend to not have seen it.
yohan on the other hand thinks "is the bed not to his liking..?"
yohan is making curry when soohwa comes out of the shower, and has prepared text on his phone beforehand, saying something along the lines of "you haven't eaten or drank all day. first things first, let's eat"
soohwa signs thank you to yohan without thinking, quickly realises his mistake and tries to apologise saying it wasn't intentional
yohan says "it's too late"
and sex scene from the beginning continues

ch 23
continuation of sex scene from previous chapter
yohan is about to give soohwa a blowjob when oohwa stops him, asking if he's insane
yohan replies "what's the problem, you also did it it for me"
soohwa says that it was because he was alright with doing it to yohan, and yohan replies that he's also fine with doing it to soohwa
sex scene continues, yohan says he wants to put it in instead of sumata/using thighs, and asks if he can't
soohwa thinks to himself things like "not this, really no, seriously no way! you can't (but)..." and asks if yohan has a condom, yohan nods and says "then, it's alright. you can put it in"

between ch 23 and 24 is a break featuring the author ker who says,
"due to a problem while moving, this week's sign language will take a break.
i'm terribly sorry for having made this kind of decision during such an important occasion.
with an extremely sorry heart of only uploading an announcement, i've prepared two 4 panel strips. please enjoy them!"
the first strip is about the heights of the characters, gyoon is 180cm/about 5ft 10.8in, yohan is 193cm/about 6ft 3.9in, and soohwa is 172cm/5ft 7.7in
the second strip is about the ages, soohwa asks how old gyoon and yohan are. gyoon replies he and yohan are 2 years apart but doesn't answer the question, instead ending with "more than you"
ker has another note that says sign language chapter 24 will be out next week, thanks the readers for the fan letters, and says happy new year

ch 24
the sex scene continues from ch 23
(the sex scenes is pretty self explanatory from the drawings i think but just in case...)
yohan puts it in and thinks "it's tight" at the same time that soohwa thinks "it hurts!!!"
because soohwa isn't facing yohan, he can't see that soohwa is asking him to stop or saying it hurts
yohan realises something's wrong when soohwa grabs him
soohwa says that it hurt, he was asking for yohan to stop, and that he was scared because he wouldn't
yohan apologises and asks if they should stop, but soohwa notices he's still hard and that they can continue
they continue while facing one another, yohan tells soohwa he'll watch him, so if it hurts to say so
and then sex
afterwards soohwa is asking yohan to move when his stomach suddenly growls so they go to eat

ch 25
the chapter starts off with gyoon angry, telling yohan and soohwa to explain what happened
gyoon bought porridge for yohan because he thought he had a cold. yohan signs that he said soohwa was the one who was hurt, but realises he might not have actually said it
and then flashback to a bit earlier,
yohan calls gyoon to say he's closing the store today and signs "because (he's) a bit hurt" when asked why. gyoon misinterprets and assumes yohan has a cold (in korean, you can say "hurt" when referring to a cold, but yohan hadn't specified what type of hurt or who was hurt). he freaks out, buys porridge and medicine, and rushes over. end flashback
gyoon's realised they had sex and asks when they started dating, but yohan says they aren't dating and they're just helping each other out
gyoon confronts yohan and asks if he likes soohwa. he continues and says whether they start dating or stay as sex friends, he won't care, but if some sort of problem arises between the two, he'll side with yohan without a doubt. he starts to say "soohwa's an alright guy and not afraid of things so..." but the next few words yohan can't read because he can't see gyoon's face, and only reads "don't get hurt this time"
yohan is later thinking if he likes soohwa or not, he doesn't know for sure but he thinks he's cute at the least

ch 26
this chapter starts off in gyoon's perspective, he's watching jihae and thinks "i like the beautiful you so much i can't stand it."
gyoon is noticed by jihae and they go for lunch together with jihae treating.
there's a flashback, gyoon and the light haired man are having a vague conversation, mostly the man asking why they had to meet face to face. gyoon says the light haired man would probably lie, so he wanted to see his face and talk. then "it was you who did that to soohwa's house wasn't it" and the man doesn't answer, gyoon changes the question to "why" and "i don't remember telling you to do something like that"
the light haired man says it wasn't something he did. there's some talk inbetween, and gyoon says "you wanted to be scolded by me, namu" (light haired man's name is revealed, 남우)
namu gets a phone call and says he has to return to the company and asks gyoon to send him a message if there's other orders. end flashback
gyoon looks at jihae and says he likes him. jihae laughs it off and says something along the lines of "how many times have you joked like this, i'll buy you delicious lunch even without you saying that, so don't joke like that anymore"
scene change to soohwa and yohan, it's mostly self explanatory, yohan won't let soohwa do anything and is acting very weird

soohwa wakes up and thinks they're late, yohan shows him it's the cafe's off-day and says "so it's fine to sleep a bit more" which causes soohwa to get hard. so they jack off together
soohwa signs/says to it's fine to just rub them and yohan says "don't instigate (turn on?) me, it'll be a big problem"
afterwards, soohwa says he'll go back to his house to bring some things and yohan says he also wants to go. a delivery man comes and interrupts the conversation
soohwa wants to carry the potted plant by himself because lately yohan has been weird and doing everything for him, so yohan just picks him up
gyoon comes into the cafe out of breath asking why they haven't picked up their phones and tells soohwa to hurry and go upstairs but then a woman comes and says "it seems there's something serious going on, is it because of me perhaps?"

gyoon wants the woman to leave, but she says she won't stay for long. gyoon tells soohwa that the woman is his mother and the president of famous k group. she had gyoon at a young age and so doesn't like him much, and came to the cafe to warn yohan of something. gyoon says the one who caused yohan to be the way he is now is his mother's other son/his younger brother.
gyoon's mother says she's come to the cafe with a sense of responsibility to protect him since she sees him as a son as well. yohan says he'd rather she not say that and he doesn't need it.
as she leaves, gyoon tells her she shouldn't come back to the cafe, and to tell her son next month also when he returns to korea.
she says "department head so (namu) didn't tell you? that child's returning today. he's already arrived at the airport around now"
scene change to gyoon's brother who's arrived at the airport and namu's there to pick him up. he's basically just complaining then starts talking about himself sarcastically, "the guy that everyone hates is back, why did this guy who fell to hell come back" and the last dramatic lines are "i don't want to let everyone down, so wouldn't they be satisfied if i just become as worst a lunatic as i want?"

    Kuchipatchi February 17, 2018 11:44 pm

    Thank you for doing the lords work

    SakuraMochi128 February 19, 2018 3:59 pm

    Where do u read this

    iianes February 20, 2018 3:14 am
    Where do u read this SakuraMochi128

    at toonkor, https://toonkor.com/%EC%88%98%ED%99%94

    SakuraMochi128 February 20, 2018 4:23 am
    at toonkor, https://toonkor.com/%EC%88%98%ED%99%94 iianes


    imapotatoe February 20, 2018 9:07 pm

    God fucking damn it I didn't read the fucking title "spoilers" fucking fuck my fucking life.

    kris February 27, 2018 7:05 am

    yes, we thank you for translating the lord's holy text into the commoner language

    iianes February 27, 2018 3:41 pm
    yes, we thank you for translating the lord's holy text into the commoner language kris

    lmao you're welcome ?