I love works of sensei, but not this work. I hate uke! His way of thinking, acting like a...

tinhvặn February 14, 2018 2:50 pm

I love works of sensei, but not this work.

I hate uke! His way of thinking, acting like a girl, very passive. Sorry, I'm a girl, but I'm not passive as uke. This here is spoil, be careful before viewing ^^


Four years ago, seme 1 is first love of uke, because for those wondering youth (seme had many friend, uke afraid there is someday when seme don't love him), uke broke up with seme. ha ha, reasons silly!

Four years later, uke became a doctor, still love seme 1, can't forget him. And then, seme 2 (a doctor too) love uke. When seme 2 pursue uke, uke coincidentally met seme 1. When uke receives many kisses of seme 2, uke realizes that he still loves seme 1. But uke don't wanna met seme 1 anymore, althought he love him (ha ha, thinking of shoujo girls!)

Seme 2 can't stand it anymore, he going to rape uke, uke helpless to resist. Yes, he has no strength, stripped off, crying say: No, I love seme 1, I can't make love withh anybody!

Men, do you see it? Uke is the man! He shouldn't just cry, letting the seme 2 take off his shirt and pants! If seme 2 don't stop, surely uke has been raped!

End story is seme 1 confession, resumption of old love with uke. Uke is confused for a moment and nods.

My friends, do you see it? Still the end, uke just a girl, stand there and wait for the seme to come.

I don't want to read such kind of story, I like yaoi, man love man, not interested in shoujo (shrug)

    RiverSong February 14, 2018 3:51 pm

    Thanks for spoilers.

    You saved me from wasting my time. Among the mc types, the type of female character that I don't like most the girls who constantly whining, passive to death but at the same time reacting a lot stupid things (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
    The only thing I dislike more than that is a shoujo girl uke resembles this type female mc. I really can't stand that kind of uke.

    tinhvặn February 14, 2018 4:53 pm
    Thanks for spoilers.You saved me from wasting my time. Among the mc types, the type of female character that I don't like most the girls who constantly whining, passive to death but at the same time reacting a ... RiverSong

    yeah, me too. I can't bear the case: a want to break up with b, confused with c, and then c sadly left the love game. B earnestly beg for a love with A.

    What the fuck!?

    For me, a girl in this situation will fight fiercely. and I can't stand to see a men attacked, he just cried.

    hellsbellsitslexi February 14, 2018 5:13 pm

    I should have read this first. This manga us such a bore.

    SMNED February 15, 2018 6:57 am

    Um, thanks for proving you didn't actually read the story. The uke was NOTHING like you said. The uke didn't want to be with the seme because he had no idea how to keep the right distance in a relationship to prevent himself from getting hurt.

    Apparently you think people are robots. But then it wouldn't have been rape because a robot can't give or revoke consent. So you are the one being very contradictory. Also, MOST people have very little idea as to how to navigate relationships. That you think knowing how to do so from birth, as you OBVIOUSLY do, is normal is amusing, sweetie pie but UNTRUE.

    Both of those things, however, WERE mentioned in the manga. That the uke has an expressionless face AND that he had trouble navigating how close and how far he should be to other people, EVEN AS FRIENDS. That you missed that is very strange, sweetcheeks.

    Your disgusting misogyny as well as that of the poster below you is noted, however. You people are the reason why feminists get harassed by sexists who like to FALSELY argue that feminists say men can't be raped. Where do you think they get their ideas sweetcheeks? From the media they consume, which includes stories like this. Where do you think the authors of these stories get THEIR ideas? From their environment, the majority of which IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Then you have the GALL to complain about 'girly' ukes? When it's YOUR fault in the first place? Yup, you people always like to blame the victims don't you?

    Ugh. Disgusting.

    SMNED February 15, 2018 7:10 am
    I should have read this first. This manga us such a bore. hellsbellsitslexi

    Uncliched manga is a bore, now. I don't understand why that is but everyone on this thread seems to like cliches for some very strange reason. They want only the one who compromised the most to ever be the one to compromise. Which is abusive and cliched. Unlike in this manga where BOTH had to learn to compromise. Sadly, people who argue they dislike stories that don't show maturation of the characters are the ones who like those manga that ACTUALLY DO THAT the LEAST. As you three have proven. Ktbn.

    tinhvặn February 15, 2018 8:00 am
    Uncliched manga is a bore, now. I don't understand why that is but everyone on this thread seems to like cliches for some very strange reason. They want only the one who compromised the most to ever be the one ... @SMNED

    I read all the chapters, I don't want to write every detail I hate, because it will be very long. but you, and someone have misunderstood me, so I will explain more.

    In life, there are not many opportunities for you to regret, start over. I hated uke because he is the one who actively separates the seme 1, while seme loves him, he does not do anything wrong with uke.

    When seme 2 kiss uke, many many many time kisses, uke don't resist, not once. Obviously he is trying to get used to the seme 2, but why uke keep thinking about seme 1? This is not fair to two semes!

    The only time uke denied the seme 2 was at rape, but the way he resisted was to cry. uke is a mature man, he don't know how to hit people attacked? If uke really love seme 1, ve much, he should strongly refuse seme 2 more intense.

    But I can ignore the things that annoy me, if end of the story, uke is more courageous, realizing he loves seme 1 so much that he can not give up on him, if uke is the one who said loves seme, I will not write such disparaging comments.

    In the end, seme 1 said he love uke, beging for love. Uke has no change from chapter 1 until the end, So what is the meaning of this story? Is uke realizes that he still loves seme after four years, waiting for seme to confess to him?

    You tell me, what is the advantage of uke?

    tinhvặn February 15, 2018 8:03 am
    Uncliched manga is a bore, now. I don't understand why that is but everyone on this thread seems to like cliches for some very strange reason. They want only the one who compromised the most to ever be the one ... @SMNED

    ps: Humans will always make mistakes, I don't blame uke for the mistakes he made, but But I was extremely upset that uke was not progressing, no change, just waiting for people to drag himselves.

    Maybe you hate me, feel me stupid, but I will not change my mind, sorry ^^

    tinhvặn February 15, 2018 8:28 am
    Um, thanks for proving you didn't actually read the story. The uke was NOTHING like you said. The uke didn't want to be with the seme because he had no idea how to keep the right distance in a relationship to p... @SMNED

    The reason four years ago uke broke up with seme because the seme don't make uke feel peaceful, that is the reason until the last chapter does not accept returns to seme. When uke does not confess to the seme, that means his thinking has not changed from four years ago to the present. Even if seme say love uke, although uke agreed, the result is the same as four years ago, one day uke will find insecurity, break up with seme again.

    Sorry, I am a little excited. I liked many of sensei's works, I love Aijin most! I read Aijin dozens of times. So when I read this story, I fell upset, very very sad *sigh*

    By the way, the difference is due to the taste, the concept of life of each person, hope you will be disgusting about me ^^

    tinhvặn February 15, 2018 8:34 am
    The reason four years ago uke broke up with seme because the seme don't make uke feel peaceful, that is the reason until the last chapter does not accept returns to seme. When uke does not confess to the seme, ... tinhvặn

    sorry, I miss the word: Hope you don't feel disgusting about me ^^

    Today my country is continually dropped the internet, I very hard up post, so let's stop here.

    Sorry and thank you for reading, love you ^^

    hellsbellsitslexi February 15, 2018 1:04 pm
    Uncliched manga is a bore, now. I don't understand why that is but everyone on this thread seems to like cliches for some very strange reason. They want only the one who compromised the most to ever be the one ... @SMNED

    Um, actually I just didn't feel the connection with the characters. The storytelling didn't excite me. I like unique plots too but I have read similar plots to this so it's not really that unique in my opinion. I guess I just needed more depth or perhaps I just couldn't relate. But that's just me. If you like the story, good for you! I still don't like it tho.

    natsuhi February 16, 2018 2:25 am

    Satoshi is a very broken person. If anything he is better in this manga. Read Kanashii Kotoba where he first pops up. Maybe that’ll quell ur anger a bit. There’s never a right answer and the uke was trying his best. He wasn’t being a “girl” whatever that means

    natsuhi February 16, 2018 2:50 am
    I read all the chapters, I don't want to write every detail I hate, because it will be very long. but you, and someone have misunderstood me, so I will explain more.In life, there are not many opportunities for... tinhvặn

    So imma try to debate some of your reasonings.
    1. Yes uke did suggest break up first but seme didn’t try to stop him. As u read in the last chapter of this manga, the seme talks about how he accepts and let’s go of things easily. And upon reading the prequels, seme clearly didn’ understand what kind of broken person he was dealing with. U can’t just up an heal someone like that like I seconds. That take times.
    2. Yes. Like u said uke was probably trying to get used to 2seme so he let him kiss him. BUT uke just said he’s awkward in relationships and it doesn’t go well. 2seme knew exactly what he was getting in to. While uke has no idea what he is doing. He’s thinking of 1seme because obviously he doesn’t know how to forget him. Nor how to handle the aftermath of a breakup or get thru it. Considering the household uke grew up in... I don’t blame him. Also uke didn’t hit 2seme during rape probably because of his past. You really need to read his past. And the whole rape thing is complicated so I suggest not bringing up what ppl should do in rape. Unless u don’t mind debating with ppl on the internet then ok.
    3. Uke did change in the end. To me he was courageous. Even when he sorta knew 1seme liked him, he was determined to not go back. But after learning a lesson from little girl patient, he gathered the courage to ask for them to start over. That’s such a huge step for him. For someone that’s all about running away. Whether he knew seme liked him back or not. Someone ppl will still run but he decided not to. And uke did grow up. He isn’t as insecure and panicky as before. He matured.

    Hopefully that helped u not hate the uke as much. Regulating ones emotions or feelings is never easier and ppl don’t change that fast. It’s slowly over time which is why there’s a 4 yrs gap

    tinhvặn February 16, 2018 5:10 am
    So imma try to debate some of your reasonings. 1. Yes uke did suggest break up first but seme didn’t try to stop him. As u read in the last chapter of this manga, the seme talks about how he accepts and let�... natsuhi

    thank you for explaining ^^

    I don't like uke because he's not the uke type I like, I always love strong people (in thinking and out active. Even if seme or uke baby cried, I don't hate it, as long as he resolves the situation is definitive), so the taste of each person is different, simple as that ^^

    I share my thoughts, you may like or hate, I do not like arguing on the internet or real life, very meaningless, because in the end it was a mess, no result.

    Love you all ^^

    Okay, I go read other yaoi, bye bye.