Also, to the person that downvoted me, if you don't agree with me and plan to continue reading that's fine, I never said I didn't like the manga, I just don't agree on the developmemt as of lately, but did you really have to be bitter about it and downvote just because you don't like my comment? How sad.

i'm not the one who downvoted (which isn't possible for anons in the first place) but maybe they did it on accident. i mean i saw many people apologizing to others for accidentally pressing the thumbs down button. its pretty easy to miss the thumbs up one since they are pretty close. could be

I would guess it's the shipping part. I don't ship Kyujo with any1 cus he tried to rape Kotaro, He is also tryna be a homewrecker.

Tru, everyone seems to forget what he tried to do to Kotaro and nothing, absolutely nothing can justify this

It's just a downvote it sounds like your bitter because someone disagree with you. I would give it a downvote too only because I don't agree with what your saying how it's going to end up a foursome

Lmaooo girl they don’t agree w you, you the one sounding sad about that

This has nothing to do with the first comment, but I just wanted to mention that I once saw someone who wrote a really controversial comment, and that comment had only downvotes except for one. And then there was a reply to that controversial comment and that reply was from a person who said: ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upvote this comment'' and I nearly died laughing. Usually you have people apologizing for downvoting a comment, because they accidentally click on it, but that person genuinely apologized for upvoting it. Just wanted to share that, lol

Wait what? lmaoooooooo

Or some just don't want an account?? Lmao like what benefit will it do
I had hopes that something would change and that the author would finally start developing a relationship between Kyujo and Sakurai but we all know this is going to end up being a foursome, with all the characters lusting after Kotaro *sigh* Nothing to see here, guys