This manga is relatable

Raynal Payuk February 13, 2018 5:31 pm

This chapter really hit me on feel because i have similar experience back in high school. I came not from religion based Country but our society is still really conservative. Back in high school i accidentally found out by one of my classmate because "browser history". I take my phone quickly and erased the evidence but i pretty sure he saw it right there. He don't say anything and just smile like nothing happen. I was so afraid he gonna tell everybody else the next day just when i just starting to get closes with the class. But the next day, nothing happen, and so on for the next 2 year until i graduate. He is definitely Yuiji of my story. We become real good friend after that and i still pretty closes with him even 3 year after we graduate. I already coming out to him directly and his way of treating me is never change, even though he is Straight and to top of it, Muslim. I still try to find a way to repay him until now. Hope i can one day :)

    Raynal Payuk February 13, 2018 6:00 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nanfi

    He sure he was. He really kind to everybody and i should have not doubted his kindness even in that situation. He was known back in high school as that one guy that smile a lot. That why he is kinda popular with girl even though there is a lot of other guy more handsome that him. He have this cute factor in his smile you know :)