So sexually harassing, stalking, masturbating over him while he slept, leaving disgusting used condoms on his door, destroying his reputation and confidence at his job in order to corner him into quitting and working with him....none of that was crossing the line for you?? None of any of the other gross abuses and manipulation were crossing the line?? You thought there could be happiness in that manipulative and abusive relationship? I'm worried for you, you need to be careful because it sounds like you'd end up in a very dangerous relationship if you're unlucky.

LOL OMG CHILL. It seems you are one of those people who apply the same values of real life into yaoi. I'm sorry but I don't.
Yaoi is a genre full of messed up plots and characters. I've already read lots of f*cked up stuff and got my mind really bothered by it because I think most of the plot driving situations are sick, but I have learnt to put it aside to "enjoy" what the authors are trying to convey.
I live my life in a way that has NOTHING to do with the type of literature I enjoy or the way I percieve the situations I read.
Of cuorse I think all of that is crossing the line and psychotic, but it's the author's style, even though in the previous works I've read from her the messed up shit happened outside the main couple, so that's why I'm concerned on what's gonna happen now with them in this manga.
Anywho, you went to deep too fast. It's just literature and we need to be mature enough to read it without it getting into our heads and lives. If there's someone out there reading this and thinking this is right, it's them I'd be concerned for. I don't think I said anything to make anyone think any of what Fuku did was right lol.

You literally implied that before the assault that just happened there would a been a way to write the story for them to be together in a healthy way which is just so beyond anything I've heard. Lol soooo.... sorry that you sounds like a preteen that would easily fall into an abusive relationship. They were your words, not mine. I had very right to be worried. Lots of immature people are on this website and I'd rather try to snap them back to reality if thats the case then just assume you were an adult making an ignorant and unthoughtful comment. Sorry I triggered you lol but the kids accessing this should not read your original comment and think for a second that it was okay bc you don't know who is reading your comment and tons of underaged kids are on this site who may have liked your comment for the exact reason I feared. So I'm not sorry for my comment and hope people that don't know better see it and know what happened up until this point was still abuse
After this I can't picture them been happy together :( like Fuku just crossed the line and I can't see them together in a healthy way anymore TT WHYY
I do see Fuku regretting this turn of events because he seemed way out of control and like he really didn't expect having to take things to that point, but still, like wth is wrong with you. I would like for him to work his issues, but ShouxFuku is ruined for me now because I can't imagine Shou forgiving this IN A HEALTHY way. I can only see him been afraid of him.
Does anyone have raws or sth?