A story about a couple who pretend to hate each other/don't get along in public but are secretly dating ~ in loveeeI don't remember if they were rivals as co-workers or if they were teachers from the same school or something ( ̄◇ ̄;)Other manga suggestions with secret lovers who pretend to hate each other would be nice too <3Thanks.
Maybe some shizaya fanfic.
Kirai Kiraimo, Tsumasaki ni Kiss, Docchi Mo Docchi, Junketsu Drop
A story about a couple who pretend to hate each other/don't get along in public but are secretly dating ~ in loveee
I don't remember if they were rivals as co-workers or if they were teachers from the same school or something ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Other manga suggestions with secret lovers who pretend to hate each other would be nice too <3