I've spent thousands on Lezhin to buy Korean and thousands on E-bay to purchase Japanese manga in english. If those Japanese mangaka's want my monmon then they better start translating their jizz in english and selling them to peeps who appreciate their work like us and who are willing to pay for it!

^Eugh true. The only reason why translators do that is bc there's no official translation. Once the manga gets licensed, most scan teams drop the manga, leaving it with whatever chapter last updated. Yes it's wrong bc host sites like this ends up making money, but that's why a lot of scan teams prefer to follow them in their wordpress/tumblr acct.
I'm just wondering what everybody thinks about the news of Japanese polices arresting and jailing illegal manga translators? I have just found out about it through this article https://qz.com/1199876/japan-is-hunting-down-illegal-manga-and-video-game-translators/amp/
I was legit shocked because I didn't think it was that big of a deal to illegally translate manga. If the manga is available in English then that is a bigger deal. But if not then how else can people from places outside of Japan read these awesome stories. Some of these stories can help and cheer people up in this really high stress world imo.
But I do understand that it is wrong to illegally translate and upload free version of these manga that can lead to the mangaka and their editors not getting the money they deserve for their works. Idk. I'm just so used to and attached to reading manga online that maybe is blinding me on some important points.
I would love to hear insights or different perspectives relating this.