I am not sure how you can make suggestions for things here, can anyone help? I would love to have a "dropped" category. Something that allows you to leave notes and rate it but wont show up in notifications. Some way of easily seeing if I have tried it before and why I decided not to finish it. For now i been just marking them completed but they still clog up my update feed which annoys me.
do you not know that it wont notify if you put it on your "to read" manga? i've been doing the exact thing for a few years now. i stash it there and make little notes for the time i get back at them.
I am not sure how you can make suggestions for things here, can anyone help?
I would love to have a "dropped" category. Something that allows you to leave notes and rate it but wont show up in notifications. Some way of easily seeing if I have tried it before and why I decided not to finish it. For now i been just marking them completed but they still clog up my update feed which annoys me.