each one has his taste when it comes to shoes, there's no science
just make sure not to harm your feet
I swing the other way, high heels doesn't match my style
regarding the last part "They surely make a woman happy, let's be honest. The more they cost, the happiest a woman is. And probably the same goes for some man." I think that what it should make poeple buy expensive shoes is coz they're better quality and more comfortable
if u're buying them just to show off, it's a bit pointless I think

Pointless or not, it's happening irl.. No matter if you realize it or not. Of course, the higher the price, the better the quality. But when the price gets to a certain point, the quality only differs slightly with the varying prices. And that's when brand, personal satisfaction, taste, etc. comes into play.

Of course, they're extremely bad for your health. And any doctor will tell you so. To give you another example - famous model Naomi Campbell has to wear a neck brace, because her back has also suffered damage - just like Prince - due to wearing high heels over many years. But as far as I know, she's still wearing them. And feet deformation is so common, that getting surgery for that is like getting your wisdom teeth pulled. Sometimes the damage won't show itself for a decade, and then it suddenly appears in all its nasty glory. The price of the shoe is completely irrelevant. The weight imbalance created by the elevated heel is causing the problem, not the material and not the design. Besides that, your genes play a big part in whether your feet and back can endure that level of pressure or not. Or better for how long. If you wear them lifelong, then damage is absolutely certain to happen.

Imagine being borderline obese and forced to wear high heels for your work and everyday you have to climb stairs to get to a certain place. And they forced you to wear it just because you are female and it had nothing to do with the line of work you have whatsoever and failure to comply will resort in sanctions. That is the complete opposite of empowering.
…so, I have a question.
What do you think, is it realistic for super-expensive shoes to deform your feet?…
I used to wear very expensive high heels and they damaged me a little, no doubt, but nothing I couldn't heal from just by stopping wearing them. And, in any case, once you are used to wearing those kind of shoes, they not only won't be uncomfortable for sure, but they will actually be the only kind of shoes you can be comfortable with. If they are well- balanced (=super-exepensive, according to my experience) , they are the best kind of shoes to keep the back of a woman straight
Now, I now Prince destroyed his back by wearing (and widely dancing with, if not for that) high heels.
So, what do you think? Are those kind of shoes good or bad ? …
They surely make a woman happy, let's be honest. The more they cost, the happiest a woman is. And probably the same goes for some man.