Can there be a tie in this? That would be a nice plot-twist. And we would get Isshiki /Rin...

arebg452 February 4, 2018 7:31 pm

Can there be a tie in this? That would be a nice plot-twist. And we would get Isshiki /Rindou and Souma-Erina/Tsukasa for round 4... I would like that more than Souma/Tsukasa and Erina/Rindou. It would make it more believable for Souma to win against Tsukasa if he has the God's tongue help. Also, it will be interesting to see a Souma-Erina collaboration since their cooking styles are so incredibly different.

    FlameGreyWolf February 11, 2018 9:36 am

    It'll be nice to see Soma going against Rindou, because I bieve that only the god tongue can stop Tsukasa.... Well that's my opinion though