Need help finding a manga

Lala February 3, 2018 9:30 am

So I made the mistake of not bookmarking a manga and now I can't find it. I want to say it was a recent update but I can't find it. If anyone can help me, that would be great.

Basically, this is how the story goes. Playboy is at a drinking party and sees this guy who is always staring at him. He thinks the guy hates him so he tries to mess with him by getting him drunk. Ends up drunk instead. Something happens ( maybe a kiss) and it's really intense and leaves him confused. The last thing I remember is that the seme grabs the guy by the wrist and licks it. The uke trembles and is caught like a deer in the headlights. The seme notices this and lets him go leaving the uke confused.

Thanks in advance!
