
SimplySophie February 3, 2018 8:55 am

So, I haven't read it again since it finished. I understood a lot of the story, but I don't understand how some people understand the whole story. Not only that, but to actually like the ending?
I'm saying this jokingly. If you understood everything about this manga and liked the ending, I don't trust you, lol.
I remember reading it when it was ongoing and being more confused with every update. I remember the posts on this page at that time being about how confused everyone was at the same time lol. We even made theories about what was probably going on and all that. It was a mess during those days.

    :/ February 18, 2018 11:10 pm

    It's easier to understand and keep up with if you read it in one full sitting the first time you read this. If i had to wait between chapters i can see myself getting confused and especially if i discussed details with other people.
    I love this and I really liked the ending, i mean i wanted at least one sex scene but oh well that's just my dirty fujoshi mind speaking. I found this far better than the majority of manga released last year.