What is your number one fear and how do you deal with it?

GayLion February 3, 2018 7:44 am

Personally, my number one fear is being left alone. I will wake up and suddenly figure out that everyone around me could die, leave me, or just hate me. I deal with it by reading (both books and manga) because reading makes me feel less alone. Plus I also stay up that way my family doesn't die due to being surprised by someone entering our house when no one is awake. Both of these things help me think either I won't be alone due to already having eternal friends (Literature characters) or I can protect my family to make sure I am not alone and they don't die (though I would die if facing a murderer).

    hurlingturtles February 3, 2018 7:52 am

    This sounds like anxiety. Don't hesitate to talk to people if it gets too tough to deal with. I have social anxiety (mostly with a large number of people, and dealing with strangers), and hypochondria (wondering if I secretly have something wrong with me and will die in my sleep) and I've started getting help for it (therapy and medication) and I'm starting to feel better. So trust me, I know where you're coming from.

    Anonymous February 3, 2018 7:54 am

    Mine is dying on the toilet. I mean just imagine that someone finds you dead on the toilet

    Meri February 3, 2018 8:31 am

    mine's a lil weird, my worst fear is to "fall", but it has many meanings, for example:
    -afraid of elevators because they could fall
    -afraid of unsteady places or feeling unsteady (when someone carries me), makes me feel like i could fall, like glass floors
    -afraid of people having expectations, the highr they consider you, the wors will feel when you fail (fall)
    -afraid to not be down to earth person, also to not be realistic or to have a certain logic
    -afraid sewers (related to the point 1 and 2)
    -afraid to fall in love
    and well, overall what im afraid is "me falling"

    Meri February 3, 2018 8:32 am
    mine's a lil weird, my worst fear is to "fall", but it has many meanings, for example:-afraid of elevators because they could fall-afraid of unsteady places or feeling unsteady (when someone carries me), makes ... Meri

    how i dealt with it, bear it of run

    Meri February 3, 2018 8:33 am
    how i dealt with it, bear it of run Meri

    and sorry for the english even i can see that im really wrong, but too lazy to correct

    Luca February 3, 2018 8:46 am
    Mine is dying on the toilet. I mean just imagine that someone finds you dead on the toilet @Anonymous

    Lmao or dying naked in the shower (≧∀≦).

    Well, I'm afraid of dying but I'm more afraid of not living the best of my life.
    And saying "I want to live" is better than saying "I don't want to die". ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mark Lorenz February 3, 2018 8:51 am

    not getting a job.. huhuhu

    star February 3, 2018 10:37 am

    my fear is dying without being unable to clear the history from my PC and phone

    otaku nerd February 3, 2018 1:26 pm

    Failing in studying , Cruz that is the only thing for me (a complete loner )
    Dying with regrets ....
    Regrets and fucking regretting , and dying with "what its"
    What ifs

    Being alone although I'm alone
    Regrets including my future