I just came out

Ruby February 2, 2018 3:11 pm

I told my friend that I liked a yaoi and I am fujoshi but her reaction was not what I expected she call me weird and said that it as unnatural and that it was gay porn but it's not and I thought all women where interested in man on man but I guess not and she thinks I'm gay now but I'm straight idk what to do she my bff but she doesn't understand at all about this hobby of mine ┗( T﹏T )┛

    shyshyshy February 2, 2018 8:06 pm

    I don't get why people feel the need to told other people what they like, is it coming out really that important? I mean, I read manga, mostly yaoi , and watch any kind of porn and I'm content with just that, I don't feel the necessity to told my friend about it, for what purpose, discussing about it? oh please, like you have nothing better to do. my preferences is mine, I don't need other people to acknowledge for what I like, as long as I enjoy it, the hell with other's acceptance. you do know that even in america where gay marriage is legal, there are a lot of people who still homophobic, right? I don't recommend anyone to brag to their friend that they like yaoi especially if you from Asia where homosexuality considered as a crime.

    I don't agree with the theory that real friend has to accept everything about you even your darkest part, ask yourself can you really do that? come on we are only human afterall, even a parents don't love their child unconditionally. keeping a secret doesn't mean we are a liar, sometimes it's better to keep it to ourself.

    Succubus February 2, 2018 8:23 pm
    I don't get why people feel the need to told other people what they like, is it coming out really that important? I mean, I read manga, mostly yaoi , and watch any kind of porn and I'm content with just that, I... shyshyshy

    That's right you don't have to talk about everything, it's not a necessity but if you did talk about it no one has the right to make you feel bad about it..

    narumaki February 2, 2018 8:26 pm

    thats some naive thinking

    NekoNani February 2, 2018 8:44 pm
    I don't get why people feel the need to told other people what they like, is it coming out really that important? I mean, I read manga, mostly yaoi , and watch any kind of porn and I'm content with just that, I... shyshyshy

    Ok i agree with what you said....but i really got hung up on the part about unconditional love. You must not have children. I have 2 and if one of them comes up to me saying they killed a man, you bet your ass I'm gonna help them hide the body lol. Accepting everything about a someone is hard at times, sometimes impossible, but it's different when you have carried a life inside you for 9 months

    Pacgirl February 2, 2018 8:46 pm
    What a retard. I feel bad for ur friend Twink b

    I was predicting that you would eventually pop up in this post.

    Ruby February 4, 2018 5:55 am

    Ok I read everybody's repleys and I find some of them kinda of hurtfull ┗( T﹏T )┛ but I knew what I was getting into by making my thoughts public but I was ready to do something really stupid not just because a fight with a friend but other things to and I lost my last emotional support which is my bff but I had to do a real wake up call and get over my depression some of you guys helped but most didn't lol ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but I kinda of regret telling her but she saw me reading it and so I just told her so....... we've been bffs for 4 years so I'm not gonna cut it of and she kind of not brought up the topic again so I guess she cool with it idk? I wasn't trying to make it offensive on how I said that I came out it's just the words that popped into my head but know I' learned my lesson I'm not gonna tell anyone else unless their a fellow fujoshi because I really want a friend who like yaoi with me and we can fan gurl together (๑•ㅂ•)و✧