Oh For Unreal!

Amberwaves January 31, 2018 5:09 pm

This is so obviously nothing more than an erotic sexual fantasy that isn't even trying to be the least bit realistic. And yes in our fantasies we CAN get turned on by things we definitely DON'T want to experience in RL. Like having some hot rich guy hold us hostage and be taken forcibly because we're so darn irresistible. But that doesn't mean any of us really expect or want our sexual fantasies actually taking place for real. Just like this is a complete and obvious work of fiction. So why the heck are people getting so worked up about rape that is in a setting that isn't even trying to the least bit convincing as real? It is like getting all upset and angry over whether or not unicorns are a danger to society based on a story.

    Geo January 6, 2019 9:27 pm
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    He/she has a point. Please don't be rude.

    Geo January 6, 2019 11:43 pm
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    While rape is real. This story is not. There is a fine difference between reality and fiction. If you look at it this story was also poorly done. A rational person would have simply left and sued. This new hotel owner committed multiple crimes. Not only rape, but kidnapping, prostitution, mistreatment of employees and abuse of power. But yet nobody reported him. Why? Because it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. There would be a difference if this was based on a real story of someone's life, but it isn't. And I believe this is what @Amberwaves is trying to point out. That no one wants it to happen to them but people can't help being curious about these things. This is meant to entertain the community of those who have a rape fetish. It wasn't marketed for ordinary individuals to read, at least I hope not. And I think that Amberwaves just wants people to understand that if they don't like it then they shouldn't read it. There are tags for a reason. And not everyone sips the same tea or floats the same boat.

    Geo January 7, 2019 12:00 pm
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    XD lmaooooo I know. I don't know why that has made me laugh so much, sorry. XD