if the mother is blonde and father is blond and their son has blonde Hair ... why does th...

❤ love manga❤ July 18, 2013 3:58 am

if the mother is blonde and father is blond and their son has blonde Hair ... why does the daughter has black hair ....???

I'm kidding

unlike the original harlequin books, harlequin books in manga are very rushed and loses a lot of information and history,
unlike the normal manga that develops the emotions of each situation.

but still liked the story♡♡♡

    layla September 17, 2013 3:29 am

    actually from the pic of pietro you can see that the grandfather's children had black hair so its in the genes

    Kiochii April 13, 2015 5:13 am

    I agree with Layla. Its the same with my family. Here's how it goes hair color wise for us. My brother and sister's father is a dark brown while my mom is a red head. My sister's hair is black while my brothers is blonde. My birth dad was blonde until his hair went completely silver and mines a mousey brown color (only me and my brother have natural red highlights in our hair though) :) I have cousin that both of his parents are blonde but he has black hair (DNA testing proved he is the biological child of both. the dad doubted his wife's words XD; since she cheated on him) There are many things that can appear further down the bloodline that hasn't shown its face for generations so never count it out ;)

    AxelNeuman88 June 14, 2021 5:31 pm

    Ahahaha it was my first thought when seeing the panel!