Ruka, please don't do it

lizee_anime January 30, 2018 3:38 am

What is happening right now??? I really don't hate Ruka bec. I want him to be a friend and I actually feel sorry for him. Being sickly and alone, I want him to find happiness.... but please not with Maya!!!


    MyMotherIsAlwaysWatching February 3, 2018 3:03 am

    I honestly don't think Ruka is even gay. Besides, he knows that Maya is with Nemugasa and he seems to respect that.

    lizee_anime February 3, 2018 10:42 am

    I've seen somewhere that Ruka wants to have Maya. After Ruka visited his doctor and I think the doctor has a bad news about his health, Ruka saw Maya passing and he decided in his mind that he wants Maya. I think it's because of loneliness and to fill in the void in his heart that's why he thought of that.