I see why you'd be concerned about that but in the end I think Subin chose Hyung because he knew he was better for him. Subin keeps saying that he wants to grow up and start a new life. Hyung is definitely the right choice for that. It is really sad that he and Hyunwoo can't have the relationship they used to but there's probably just too many hurt feelings between them. Although Hyung's jealousy and insecurity is a problem and is also probably at least partially why Subin and Hyunwoo can't be friends anymore. I don't think it would have worked regardless. Subin did run away from Hyunwoo but Hyunwoo is the one who ran away first. It's the old phrase you don't know what you got until it's gone. ╥﹏╥. Anyway Hyunwoo is probably gonna end up with Noona's boyfriend (that'll be super cute to watch), and maybe we'll get to see him fix his friendship with Subin one day when they're both happy and more mature...

At the every least they should've gotten closure. I'd like to know what Subin would have done if Hyunwoo gave a clear confession and said stay with me (desperately). Would he still choose Hyung? We'll never know. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

That's what is sad too, i think if he had they would've been happier :^( Sure, Hyung would've been sad, but they've been together for less than a year, so i feel like Hyung would've moved on quicker than its going to take either Subin or Hyunwoo to move on from losing that important person in their lives.

I agree to an extent. Part of the reason Subin is choosing Hyung is because he's serious about his love. He tells him straight out that he loves him and wants him to stay and he makes Subin feel that love which is something he desperately needs(tbh that's an amazing feeling and I could use some of that right now). Hyunwoo on the other hand isn't capable of that. Even when the stakes were at their highest and Subin is saying goodbye Hyunwoo still can't tell him he loves him (even though Subin was able to say it loads of times). Hyunwoo just isn't right for Subin even though they do both love each other. Besides Subin says it himself in ch 41, even if someone else did love him as much as Hyung did he's not sure if that would if it would give him the same depth of feeling as Hyung's love (≧∀≦) I think that means Hyunwoo too.

and here I am watching everyone blaming the "new" boyfirand for Hyunwoo shit and abuse acts. Hynwoo got what he daserve, really! and he know's it.
look, I think that if you had a boyfriend you won't want him to go see his ex girlfriend that you know he still have feelings for and he will never forget about her. since she was his "first" love! it only natural or the opposite too. guys do tend to be possive.
baside Hyunwoo fuck their so called "friendship" by disappearing for like a year or two years, I don't remember anymore. and then when he come back, the asshole abuse him nonstop until the point he have to run away from his own home!
fuck Hyunwoo, he ruin everything in this so called Relationship. and I"m glad the mc didn't stay in abusing Relationship like most yaoi do.

Yes, I also agree. I like Jun a lot, but Subin isn't good for him. It's not going to last as long as Subin doesn't mature and Jun doesn't get over his insecurities. I know we were all getting fed up with the drama, but it wasn't time to end this story. Both relationships needed more time to grow, and so did the characters. Imo Subin should have broken it off with Hyung and focused on just growing as his own person. Only then would he be ready to start dating, with whoever that may be.

I really respect that you came at me with your opinion in defence of Hyung, you weren't afraid to put it all out there. I really want you to understand that i LOVE Hyung and don't blame him for anything, if anything i blame Hyunwoo and Subin for not communicating and for the denial. So, you understood that was all about Hyunwoo just being an asshole? From what i understood, all of Hyunwoo's asshole moments were just denial towards his feelings. Hyunwoo and Subin were originally just close friends, Hyunwoo has always identified as straight so it seemed as though it really shook Hyunwoo when Subin confessed and he started to look at Subin in that way. Hyunwoo had to enlist in the military at some point anyway, so he jumped on that opportunity to put some space between himself and Subin. Hyunwoo comes back with the hopes that the time apart had reset their relationship and that they both no longer had feelings for each other, but this is quickly proven to be false hope when he sees how much it hurt Subin that he left when Subin gets drunk and comes onto him again which eventually results in them having sex. At the earlier stages of the story, Hyunwoo is still severely in denial, he's a straight guy who doesn't want to be gay and is starting to realize he has attraction towards his male best friend, it makes him really uncomfortable so he deals with it by ignoring it and putting all his effort into pretending he has a crush on that noona. Naturally, when Subin gets drunk and comes onto Hyunwoo, he freaks out because he's sure he's straight, doesn't want to be gay, but still reacts to Subin so he punches Subin when Subin gets drunk and kisses him. Something i noticed is that if you pay attention to the interactions between the trio of friends, Subin/Hyunwoo/red head, you'll notice that they're all very rough with each other both physically and verbally and that the red head never bats an eye when Hyunwoo uses physical force to keep Subin away. I think this is because, to the three of them at least, this response is within an acceptable range. I don't think Hyunwoo was trying to be overly(i make the distinction 'overly' here, because i DO think he was trying to be harsh enough that Subin got the memo) cruel or hurt Subin with his rejections, i think he was just trying to make it clear that he was uncomfortable. He was trying to see if, if he just rejected Subin, would it all go back to normal and would his gay feelings go away? But he ended up giving in momentarily that night and had sex with Subin. Now, while he DID have sex with Subin, he was NOT ready to face all that he had been denying for years, so he lied, ran and then lied again about liking noona. Time passes with Subin getting increasingly hurt after thinking he'd had sex with Hyunwoo only to be told by Hyunwoo that it was a wet dream and then being forced to watch Hyunwoo choose noona over him multiple times, unbeknownst to Subin that this was because the sex had freaked Hyunwoo out to the max and he was desperately trying to convince himself he is 100% straight, when Hyung swoops in and comforts Subin after the disappointment of "finding out" that the sex was "just a dream". Subin eventually can't stand the weight of his feelings for Hyunwoo anymore so he goes to stay with Hyung, resulting in Hyung growing an attachment while Subin just angsts over Hyunwoo the entire time. Eventually, through much self reflection and communication with noona and the blondie, Hyunwoo is finally ready to admit his feelings for Subin so he tells Subin he wants him back and confesses which results in Subin getting scared and running back to Hyung only for Hyung to tell him to get out because he'd spent the night at Hyunwoo's which is a huge insecurity for him as he can see Subin still has feelings for Hyunwoo and he knows Subin has just been using him as a place to stay away from Hyunwoo. Hyung ends up deciding that he just wants Subin back, no matter what, which results in the drunken sex night followed by them getting back together. What rubs me the wrong way about this part is that Subin is still running away from Hyunwoo and had even been thinking that he'd have to leave Hyung at some point as well as that he won't love Hyung how Hyung loves him, but when Hyung makes it clear that he just loves Subin and just wants to be with him, Subin is attracted to HYUNG's love FOR HIM, he doesn't have feelings for Hyung and has made that clear. He only started acting lovey-dovey with Hyung after Hyunwoo's confession. It looked like he was trying to comfort himself in Hyung's love rather than face Hyunwoo. Fast forward and after more conversation with noona and the blondie, Hyunwoo is told he's "being selfish", Hyunwoo knows he's hurt Subin already so he doesn't want to hurt him anymore, this results in him deciding to quietly fume about his now acknowledged feelings for Subin rather than to pursue Subin. That is what he is always talking about with noona and the blondie, whether or not it's okay for him to love and confess to Subin after all the rejection he dished out previously and despite Subin having a boyfriend. He decides to leave Subin alone, which as is crystal clear just hurts both of them. If Hyunwoo had just taken the plunge they for sure would've been together and while yes, Hyung would've been sad, Hyung isn't exactly doing great being with Subin anyways... He's just willing to be with Subin even knowing Subin has no feelings for him aside from liking how much he is liked by Hyung. Even just now, Subin was hoping Hyunwoo would chase after him. He wants Hyunwoo, Hyung isn't dear in Subin's heart yet, he's a rebound that takes a little of the edge off his heartbreak towards Hyunwoo. What i was saying in my post was that, even putting romantic feelings aside, both Subin and Hyunwoo are losing out on a best friend. It's just an overall sad ending.

YES! This is exactly how i feel as well! Now was NOT the time to finish the story and they definitely needed closure, as it is now they're leaving everything as is between Hyunwoo and Subin with Hyunwoo quietly angsting over his feelings for Subin and Subin quietly wishing Hyunwoo would chase him... The worst part is, Hyunwoo WANTS to confess! He is only keeping quiet because he was told he's being selfish by noona, even though she sais "but, love is selfish", and he knows he hurt Subin with the rejections previously. All this paired with his knowledge that Subin is already in a relationship forces him to remain on the sidelines. If he would just take action they would for sure be together... And then Hyung would understand that Subin's love for Hyunwoo is just on another tier than the pleasure Subin feels at knowing Hyung loves Subin. Subin doesn't have feelings for Hyung, he likes that Hyung loves him.

you didn't mantion how he, Hyunwoo, treat him like a slave after he come back, order him around and basicully kind of abuse him in words and not only Physically. even if he is in daniel, is that a reason to treat someone else has your slave? nope, it dosn't.
and I think Hyunwoo know his friend feelings of love for him from high school, since Subin wasn't that good at lying anyway from the start. he just choose to ignore them until Subin told him. and then he just run away without a word, some "friend" he was. I don't remember how much time, but in normal life you would have find a new love by now.
the fact that Subin was willing to suffer his attitude was annoying enough.
and I say it now, Hyung wasn't planing on end up with him. like at first he said himself "oh this guy is cute I guess" and that's it. but Subin was the one who ask to stay with him, use him has a way to forget his "first love" and in the end of the road did full in love with him. like he said to him, don't remember which chapter it was. I don't think he lie when he said he did love Hyung. but...again Hyunwoo was his first love, so the love to Hyung will never be the same has his first love. so he can't never forget his first love that easily, it will take him much more time. and unlike Hyunwoo that kept pushing him and order him "come back home! now!!", Hyung was ready to give him space and give up on him until he become drank from saddenss he didn't think he would feel after Subin left. that's why they told Hyunwoo he was selfish! and I say even more, he was Abusive while playing with Subin feelings, he still wanted Subin around cause...well he wanted it, so it have to be like this. that what I hated in Hyunwoo the most.
besides Hyung did know he was been used and still let Subin take out his feelings, cause he know he was hurt. while trying to keep his distance. cause he was so much more kind and much warmer then Hyunwoo. yeas he had his bad moments, but show me a human been that don't have bad moments? XD yap.
has for "Subin and Hyunwoo are losing out on a best friend" - they lost that long ago after Hyunwoo dacided to just disappear. yeas some things could never be fix, that's how it is. and maybe it never meant to be fix. I don't think they ever were real "friends" either, both were too busy keeping their their real feelings until it blow up.

No one is arguing that Hyung doesn't treat Subin well, we all agree on that, the issue is on Subin's side. Subin is still in love with Hyunwoo and that is obvious enough that Hyung sees it and doesn't want Subin to meet with Hyunwoo because he knows Hyunwoo could take Subin from him. This is not a bad thing on Hyung's part, he is completely justified in his jealousy, the reason i bring this up is because it should show you how stressful Hyung's relationship with Subin is. The relationship is hurting Hyung and it will continue to till Subin is in love with Hyung. Hyung knows he's the rebound, that is why he is so jealous of Hyunwoo and doesn't want Subin to meet with him. As far as Hyunwoo telling Subin to "come back now", that's because they're roommates and Subin was being difficult to the point of ignoring his texts/calls... He wasn't being abusive, he was worried about his friend because he hadn't heard from him, he talks about this with the red head... I hope this doesn't sound rude, but you seem really biased on this, to the point that you ignore dialogue in the manga that definitely goes against your narrative. Idk, maybe you just forgot?
It doesn't feel like Subin's feelings for Hyunwoo were at all handled or concluded. Don't get me wrong, i have no issues with Subin X Hyung or Subin X anyone for that matter, as long as everyone is happy, but it doesn't feel like anyone is happy. Subin still seems hung up on Hyunwoo and even looked miserable choosing Hyung, Hyunwoo finally admitted his feelings for Subin only to be left alone and without a best friend and Hyung seems just as insecure in their relationship as ever... Do people realize how much Subin and Hyunwoo lose out on going down the Hyung route? Subin is literally planning on never seeing Hyunwoo again, and he isn't okay with it either. Neither is Hyunwoo. They were best friends for YEARS, it must be like losing an arm. Honestly, the fact that Subin can't face Hyunwoo anymore to the point of needing to cut ties with him entirely for his relationship with Hyung to work is just plain worrying. He literally can't trust himself to be involved to even a casual degree with Hyunwoo and is forcing himself to choose Hyung. I feel like he would've been happier with Hyunwoo, sorry not sorry? He had to let go of a really important person in his life, someone who's presence he'd taken for granted would always be there. I mentioned this in a previous post as well, but i'm really irritated with the state of the Subin X Hyunwoo route too... Subin was pushing SO hard and when his efforts FINALLY bore fruit he had already decided to run away from Hyunwoo, and yes, it was FOR SURE running away in the beginning and in my opinion it is still running away. Hyunwoo had FINALLY been forced to admit his growing feelings, it was a YEARS long build up with Subin fighting hard the entire time only for him to not give Hyunwoo a shot when he'd finally succeeded. Idk, just dissatisfied.