
Giakou January 26, 2018 10:50 pm

Is this even worth reading? I'm at chapter 5 and I already hate everybody. There are bullies at every school but even the teachers are f*cked up. And what's wrong with the stupid mc, why doesn't he tell anyone about whats going on? Ghaa.

    cassie_the_demi_potato January 26, 2018 10:59 pm

    Just go on, its fucking great

    cassie_the_demi_potato January 26, 2018 11:00 pm
    Just go on, its fucking great cassie_the_demi_potato

    And even if u dont like the story, the art style is worth it

    bunnynoir13 January 26, 2018 11:24 pm

    unfortunately, I can't say much about whether or not the MC went to someone for help. but, he was raised-especially by his father-to be independent.

    from what one can gather thusfar, from the chapters, the father does not like throwing his name around. whereas, the bully's parents do, and the kids do as well.

    then there's the matter of when it DOES come to light that the MC is being bullied. I'm not sure about laws in Korea, but from what I've heard, they brush off bullying-that is the teachers. they ask, "why can't you settle it with your friends," and even cases of injuries from bullying the parent's settle it quietly with compensation.

    so, one really can't do anything. *please note I am going off of hearsay.

    mariashi January 26, 2018 11:28 pm

    Just read it. It’s really really good!!! You’ll like the story a lot. It’s not cliche.

    Threestax3 January 27, 2018 3:23 am

    Fam.... just. READ. IT.

    Threestax3 January 27, 2018 3:23 am