Mijun is a miserable person who finds fun in making others miserable

Natsume January 26, 2018 8:23 pm

Yeeah Mijun is a spinless asshole who uses Hoon to fight and protect him. Mijun is going to get what is coming to him and I'm not going to feel sorry whatsoever just imagine how many innocent people who had their lives ruined due to his manipulative and coniving ways. Once a scum is alway a scum. Point.Blank.Period.

    hanin January 26, 2018 10:14 pm

    first of all im sorry to tell you this but what you want won't happen the manga is completed and minjun is finnnee ... second his manipulative side isn't hurting anyone honestly he is just all talk he didn't do anything bad neither to hoon nor to anyone else he just talks and do nothing also he doesn't need protection.. as you saw he's already siwoon friend so no one dares to talk to him so yeah i don't get your point :)))

    Reika January 27, 2018 5:56 am

    Lol ok unlike everyone else it seems...I really don't care for the mint colored hair guy. Idk I guess his unusually bright personality is supposed to be fresh and charming when compared to the other characters but he just annoys me. I don't find him cute or interesting or anything he's just...ughhhhh....I just don't understand how he's liked so much lol

    Natsume January 27, 2018 8:13 am
    Lol ok unlike everyone else it seems...I really don't care for the mint colored hair guy. Idk I guess his unusually bright personality is supposed to be fresh and charming when compared to the other characters ... @Reika


    Natsume January 27, 2018 9:18 am
    first of all im sorry to tell you this but what you want won't happen the manga is completed and minjun is finnnee ... second his manipulative side isn't hurting anyone honestly he is just all talk he didn't do... @hanin

    Okay first of all if you are going to make a comment about chapters that hasn't been shown yet on this site You put down that it is a spoiler before you say it and ruin the surprise. Second yes his manipulative side is hurting people or did you not read chapter 24.5 where mijun did some dirty work to find the CD where Siwon(previous ocuupant of the body) was raped on bought it and leaked the video on purpose because he was curious and wanted to see Siwon struggle. So he doesn't just talk.Third Siwon isn't always there Hoon is and Mijun takes advantage of that and talks shit to people and purposely piss them off cause he can get away with it cause Hoon or Siwon (hiding behid them for prottction when he knows he's in the wrong like a spinless bastard) are there if weren't there to protect him him would get beat up. So he does need protecttion. So in all honesty your point didn't make sense. :)))