I don't know for sure, but I think because Japan's birth rate is so low, people are expected to marry and create a family more. Being gay means you are pretty much useless in the eyes of society in this case. Things are surely changing, but maybe slower, since the country is so attached to their traditions.
That or japanese girls just enjoy crossdressing (=・ω・=)
I'm sorry, but gay marriage is not recognized in Japan... yet. What you are thinking of is the fact that several districts in Tokyo recognize domestic partnership. This is limited to familial rights of inheritance and medical care only. In other words, two people who have committed to a domestic partnership for a set number of years can will their belongings to that partner after death and their partner has a right to visit and/or sign for responsibility if the partner is hospitalized. In the even that the partnership is dissolved, each partner is awarded half of the property, or they can split the property as they see fit if the dissolution is amicable.
Remember, things like adult adoption and domestic partnerships are not made or intended for use by same sex couples. They are simply used as loopholes by same sex couples to acquire benefits where they can. The average Joe in Japan is not going to be able to afford adult adoption and domestic partnerships only apply in certain districts. If you live, work become hospitalized or die outside your district, the contract is null and void.
Japan's government refuses to back LGBT groups for education and awareness and they refuse to consider anti-discrimination laws for anything except sex - ie discrimination against women. That includes sexual orientation, race and gender. Japan has a very conservative and traditional outlook regarding change. The status quo should never be upended. It took all out war to change Japan into a more economically Western country. Changing minds regarding homosexuality will be just as harrowing and difficult. Japan has been facing a serious birth and marriage rate drop over the last 20+ years and the government uses this as an excuse to keep LGBT groups from forming and raising awareness among the populace. Sadly, though homosexuality is recognized, it is only recognized as a fetish. No different than having a fetish for BDSM or cosplay. Acceptance of homosexuality as an intrinsic part of a person is still many decades away.
Few comments. For some reason the cross dressing part about japanese mangas annoys me to bits. I never find it cute, just bloody annoying. It is different thing if it's a transvestite story, but that f*cking annoying tramp "forcing" Misaki to cross dress was just so out of context and fugly grr grr grr pheeewww, got it out of system.
I liked the way Arikawa's mother took the news. I've been wondering this for a while now, but a lot of yaoi seems to lean on getting some tears out by painting the parents as monsters who will beat and kick their kids out for being gay. But aren't there already regions in Japan where gay marriage is legal? I understand there are more traditional cultures, but just been wondering aren't the attitudes there already changing more tolerant?
Otherwise all fluffy and huggie story.