Weird af

Koi January 21, 2018 5:41 pm

First time i've read a yaoi horror manga....Never again.

    SayerSong February 22, 2018 1:38 pm

    I hit down vote (as I disagree myself. I actually like this), but now that I think about it, I shouldn't have. It makes it seem as though I am trying to tell you that you need to like this, and that is definitely NOT the case.

    Everyone has different tastes, and you definitely have the right to dislike this and decide not to read horror yaoi again. And it is not our place to try to force you to like something you don't.

    Though I do think you should keep in mind that not all horror yaoi may be like this.

    Still, luckily there are a LOT of non-horror yaoi out there for you to enjoy!

    Thinking about it now though, I think they need a 3rd reaction. One for thumbs up that we agree with comments, one for thumbs down that we disagree, and one for "we find this post offensive and think it should be removed." Because I hate the fact that comments like yours may disappear because 25 people disagree, yet there is nothing offensive about it. It is simply a matter of opinion. And others might find your view helpful in deciding if they want to try reading it or not. Just my opinion though.

    Anonymous February 22, 2018 7:01 pm

    You'll come back.

    It's actually interesting. It's dark but it makes you wonder what's gonna happen next.