I found this manga list.All credit goes to nanu-nana

I cannot remember the title of the manga for the life of me (coz I haven't marked most of the manga that I've read) but it's about this kid who randomly bumps into this guy at night. Dunno if they were in the park or whatever and I don't know how they got to this point but the kid offers to relieve the guy of his desires and the guy agrees. But the guy turns out to be totally insatiable and the kid gets exhausted each time they have sex. The kid also had a previous rich owner with some twisted character and backstory. The previous owner tries to get the kid back but eventually, ofc, he doesn't succeed. Ahh and also the main guy can barely support the kid (I say kid but I forgot his age, but he seemed young)

dunno if this fits your standards but yeah. Rather than size, the guy is totally insatiable so... Yah

Harada's Messiah (not one shot, the story has 3 parts)
And a manhwa If you Hate me that much
Also try to find La histiria de Hosik, it's funny omegaverse story.

ah sorry, not omegaverse, but similar

http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/crystal_harem/ Here it is with the seme being a cop
Okay, last one haha. Maybe. Who the fuck am I kidding haha
I'm looking for any manga where the size difference is huge but....I'm looking for ones where they have a struggle during sex just because of the size difference. I've found maybe one or two that fall into that category but if anyone else knows of others...
Thanks ahead of time for any help provided!