Spoilers ...... ......... ....... .... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... .. ... .... ......

Moose January 20, 2018 12:40 am

Little bitch-san did have sex with ayumi (3 years ago) and his little plan to make ayumi upset is working. He tells ayumi he wants to service him to make him remember (ugh) butsyumi says its not necessary bc he has kotaro ()Bitch ass told him about kotaro and kyujo and aymui was pretty ipset and told kotaro to stop playing house with kyung. Afterwords kotaro was upset at work. Birch ass araki imma swing. (Also my phone keeps autocorrecting kotaro to potato it's helping my anger)

    Sam January 20, 2018 5:59 am

    I’m still so damn pissed that Kotaru is keeping his damn mouth shut! I would also think bad about him especially with the history with him and kuyjo