This story is sweet but I can't warm up to Min for the way he made the other suffer for nothing.

Zarathustra January 19, 2018 8:42 am

Really, that blond guy in the middle just turned me off... Min was so cold towards Sam and just discarded him and move on to go on with the other guy. And he seemed okay with the guy, we just saw Sam suffering. So, if the guy wasn't a jerk or had not cheated, he would just stayed living with him. I just feel Min is way too cold compared to Sam.
Then, after they are together, Min keeps acting like a virgin who would not even kiss the guy properly, even so he was fucking already the blond dude?
The vampire is too sweet and too devoted, he deserved the same kind of love.

    Yoai_is_Life February 1, 2018 2:05 am

    I agree with some statements in this but some things you've said I have to disagree. He probably would've found out about the guy cheating on him anyways. Min would've probably still talked to Sam from time to time and would've ran to him crying. Min probably made Sam suffer because he learned it from his dad. Sometimes if a kid is abused they do the same to others, just take Oh Sangwoo from Killing Stalking for example. He's trying to forget his past to make both himself and Sam happy. Which he succeeded in the end, so if you think about it Min is actually kinda the one who made their relationship possible. Even their friendship because if he wasn't at least a little nice he wouldn't have gave Sam the blood he needed, therefore their relationship might've not made it to being friends. But you don't have to agree it's just my view on things(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Zarathustra February 1, 2018 5:30 am
    I agree with some statements in this but some things you've said I have to disagree. He probably would've found out about the guy cheating on him anyways. Min would've probably still talked to Sam from time to ... Yoai_is_Life

    I don't mind the different opinion, I appreciate you took the time to give your point of view. It has been some weeks I read this story so I don't remember exactly all the details anymore. I do feel the author put a lot of effort trying to excuse Min behavior and bring him sympathy as abused child but I couldn't really see it as a fair and balanced relationship on account of that. I do remember Min simply walked out from Min for no reason whatsoever even after the other had already forgiven him for sleeping with the other guy. Then he just moved on. That irked me the most. The difference between the need each had for the other. I guess that is where the author failed a bit because we only saw Sam suffering. He got sick, he missed Min. All the while we saw Min laughing and enjoying his new boyfriend. At any moment the author included a scene with Min thinking about Sam or giving any idea that he missed the other just as much. And again, how is that Min ended up with Sam again? He didn't end the relationship because he wanted. It was because the other cheated. He didn't ended because he was in love with Sam. It was ended for him and of course, Sam was there for him and from there their relationship started. In other words, if felt like he was already on rock bottom so he just took the next choice that was presented to him. It's ironic that my view is actually Min view because that's exactly what he says in the end. Sam gave to him way more than he rceived. I see their relationship as Sam totally devoted and always giving. Min always taking. Even the blood, if we listen to Min, explanation, he gave it thinking he was better than Sam so it was also for his sake, not completely as a selfless act of friendship.
    I understand the story is written for us to feel sorry for Min and forgive him for being cold and compensate for the difference of love but the way that they behaved when they were split showed that Min could live well without Sam ( he even refused to talk to him) but Sam almost died without Min. I feel that a little more balance, especially in the way Min acted when he quickly move on and seemed so happy with the new guy would have made all the difference. The truth remains that Sam only got Min because the blond guy didn't wanted Min. Had he not cheated, Min would be still laughing by his side, probably still ignoring Sam. The sweet Sam would be miserable. When only one of them almost dies because he can't live without the other, while the other is able to move on with a new lover, then it's a very lopsided love. It's still a nice story. Again, thanks for replying.