hmm, ok. Im not very good with korean, but the next two raw chapters go roughly like this:...

coffeepepper January 19, 2018 3:41 am

hmm, ok. Im not very good with korean, but the next two raw chapters go roughly like this: Ban Chan is like "what? you like me? me? huh?" and Doyun is like "yeah, you are really dense though". Then he goes on about how they should end their arrangement and stop meeting. Ban Chan is like, no way, i made a promise to you, worry not. Then Doyun is all "but we are all alone in my house, you are being unconsiderate, you know my feelings for you, i have needs, im a man, blablabla". He's being all angsty and gross alfa predator because, who knows, manhwas, and Ban Chan gets all scared, kicks him in the groin and leaves. Later, they become really awkward. DoYun can hear Ban Chan talking about him with his classmate and everything is weird between them. Ban Chan later decides to go work at Doyun's house and wonders if he remembers about the confession, since he was a little drunk. DoYun is working on a report and gives him the cold shoulder. Ban Chan can't stand the awkwardness and asks what his favorite food is because he wants to make it for him. Doyun is all like "dude, what's your deal" and says he will ask for the last time if Ban Chan feels nothing at all. Instead of answering Ban Chan is all like "should we kiss?" and Doyun jumps at him. They kiss while Doyun pushed Ban Chan towards the counter, he asks him to wait, then Doyun says that if he doesn't like it, to push him away, but they kiss again. When they pull away DoYun is crying and Ban Chan freaks out. DoYun says that when the kiss ends they can go back to the way they were before and Ban Chan is like "nah-ah, im kinda confussed but i liked it". They hug and DoYun is groping Ban Chan's ass and the dialogue there was really confusing so i didn't really get it, but Ban Chan didn't deslike it, or so it seems. The rest of the chapter was a blurr and really hard to understand. I haven't read the rest yet because i take forever. I might be mistaken about some things, but thats overall what went on.

    Dragomira January 21, 2018 8:48 pm

    Thank you! <3 Now I can finally sleep tonight knowing that DOYUN'S LOVE FOR BA CHAN IS RECIPROCATED! (▰˘◡˘▰) They are so adorable together and you are a wonderful person for kindly providing us (impatient readers) with a much-needed spoiler.

    Koi January 22, 2018 8:52 pm

    Thanks for your hard work <3. But i don't understand...why would Chan go and tell tale to his friends. It just didn't seem in his characters.

    coffeepepper January 23, 2018 1:18 pm
    Thanks for your hard work <3. But i don't understand...why would Chan go and tell tale to his friends. It just didn't seem in his characters. Koi

    He wasn't really telling her what went on. She asked about them hanging out and such, since they did go to the movies and all. Then Doyun came and heard his name.