my little input

BL's lesbian lover January 18, 2018 4:37 am

I normally read yaoi expecting some smut and other such things, honestly it what makes me love it. But time to time I'll find a yaoi that has a plot that pulls me along. I stayed up hours to read this and was invested in each minute no, each second. This by far isn't one of my first reads, but after stockpiling 1856 reads in my library. I finally did it... I found a yaoi that's done it all... its made me so angry I was ready to yell at the boys, its made me laugh and cackle (clearly just tickled pink), I've never cried because of a yaoi...but I will willingly say tears streamed my cheeks, there's this fluffy feeling when you read shounen-ai well I got that here along with 'spicy' scenes. But through it all, I was allowed to sit back and appreciate this story along with the art. I'd just like to say thank you, to the author, to the translation group, to the fans, and to myself for finding the courage to read this. Goodbye, this has been my first and only comment I've, made on a manga after three loyal years to this site.

    Princess_bubblegum January 18, 2018 4:42 am

    I totally get you!!!! This is the only manga that made me cry like this... After I finished reading this I went straight to my backyard cause I don't want anyone from my house to see that I'm crying...