SavageRiceCake January 17, 2018 9:41 am

Communication is key but its not always easy. Sometimes it's really hard to say what's on your mind and what you really feel. For example:Me. I have a lot of pride and I'm petty as fuck. So my responses depend on what the other person says or does. I know I shouldn't be like that but I can't help it. But I do gain courage with time and just say what I feel. Some times its alcohol haha.

    Miwa January 17, 2018 5:26 pm

    Hm, I think it depends on the person. I guess some people find it difficult to be honest with others because they fear the outcome. I find it easy to speak my mind, but I've lost friends and family because of it. People say they appreciate honesty in a relationship, but most people really don't. They rather love an illusion. But if they like an illusion, they don't really like you, so honesty is a good way to filter out the real friends and family from the fakes.

    marry January 18, 2018 4:23 pm
    Hm, I think it depends on the person. I guess some people find it difficult to be honest with others because they fear the outcome. I find it easy to speak my mind, but I've lost friends and family because of i... Miwa

    preach. I have lost friends because of my mouth but it makes no difference to me because i figure if they truly were my friends they would accept me for who i am. now whenever people ask me something i ask them if they want the truth or bs answer