RiverSong January 14, 2018 11:05 pm

I finished reading the 18. chapter.

Atsu really annoys me. Pretending to be like mood maker and actually looking for an opening... His behaviors to his friend's relationship is very disrespectful. He disturbed as their relationship is getting serious. Well thanks to that, I'm totaly saved from a second lead syndrome.

Sorry for mistakes. My mood was bad already and English isn't first language of mine.

    serenity_bee April 27, 2020 2:59 am

    I've only read the first five chapters so far and that's exactly how I feel about Atsu too...

    Yukintash April 25, 2021 5:21 pm

    Yeah I felt that way towards him too, but once you read a little more, he starts to understand their love and gives up. I’m kinda glad he did just that because I’ve read way worse where the friend does way more shittier stuff than what Atsu did.