I hope Lezhin treats her better after this, and that more people buy her chapters. She is miserable and it isn't fair. It fucking sucks that it came to this.

What happened?

yeah what happened?

It's a really long story. I don't even know where to start. Do you guys not know what's been happening at Lezhin? There's stuff everywhere about it. Haribo (plus dozens if not more of other artists) is upset with Lezhin for treating artists poorly and she has been down from the amount of illegal uploads of her work. All the little things added up and she has been depressed and stressed out. Also, the weekly schedule for artists is really hard, and almost all of them develop health problems after doing it for too long. But she actually hasn't made a bunch of money and a lot of Lezhin artists don't either, even the bestselling ones. Because all the illegal sites in Korea get more money than Lezhin, and on top of that, Lezhin is not paying artists their contracted sales portion. Illegal uploads internationally are the cherry on top, because millions of people read for free without even buying one chapter to support the authors.
Also, Lezhin fines artists for being late on their deadlines. The deadlines are two days before the post date, so it doesn't hurt Lezhin when they are late, but Lezhin does it anyway, because they claim late artists hurt their profits. What started everything blowing up was that they had an artist with cancer who was missing her deadlines, and she got fined even though she had cancer. They literally told her to buck up and stop whining. And then they didn't even pay her the right portion of her sales. When she confronted them about it, they posted a public response shaming her and showing her personal salary and payment information. Haribo was reallllly pissed when she saw that. She posted about how shocking it was to see how blatantly Lezhin gives zero fucks about its artists.
So basically everyone is fucking over artists-- readers, and their own publishers. If you want to know more about it, search the Lezhin tag on social media. There are a lot of people who post information about it and can link you to the petition to investigate Lezhin for breach of contract and tax evasion. Apparently Lezhin is not the only publisher that does this shit, but they are one of the biggest companies that does, and they make a fuck ton of money and have no excuse to not pay their artists what they promised them.
I have summarized it as well as I can here but don't rely only on me because I am not the expert here! Read about it from other sources too if you want to really get what's going on.
And Haribo's has posted from her Twitter about her depression for a few months now. She didn't used to post about it at all, so it's hard to read after seeing her be so strong. She really is strong, so shit at Lezhin and with illegal uploads must really suck balls to make her upset like this.

You can find a summary of it here.

Ur the best!

I don't understand your question. You mean for Haribo to publish? She had a contract with Lezhin. She could not publish WLATE anywhere else. For the future, she could connect with someone else. But when you ate a webtoon artist, you publish with websites. That's how it works.

*She could publish with someone else for future projects

Thank you for supporting the artists! They need us! I come here for the topics too.

Okay good, glad I answered the right question! Yeah I hope she goes with another company next time.

hi guys I didnt know I've had so many replies. Haribo is working on a new project at the moment but she will publish her work on NAVERRRR (!) not Lezhin. I'm not sure this is better for her or not since Naver is not as "international" as Lezhin, maybe the fans will decrease as well.
Haribo (and the guy who created Wolf in the house sorry dont remember the name TT_TT) are sooo underrated!!

hm so sorry to enter this late in the discussion, but - I'm kind of living under my cozy stone so I had no clue at all. I don't own a twitter or whatever-account, since my stone is VERY COZY and I'm not keen on getting lost in social media. To cut to the chase: is there any way to support Haribo now (!) - like, if I venture outside of my stone and try to purchase WLATE from Lezhin, does Haribo receive additional money? Or is the simplest way to switch over to NAVERR and stalk Haribo there?
And yes, I'm a proper adult (but without a credit card, which supposedly deducts points from my adultness, since I tried to sneak over to Lezhin but kept getting lost on how to pay - that's what comes from living under a stone, be warned!)

Yes, she makes a portion of all sales, so buying helps her!

Where did you see her post about Naver? I can do overtooning, so I will overtoon English translations for her work if she goes that route. Hopefully, she will still maintain international readers that way.
I have just read the final chapter of WLATE (the real ending chapter, Haribo will not draw anymore of this) and I have never felt so fucking sad and empty.
I have become so emotionally attached to Woojin-Taemin (I swear their chemistry is insane), it fucking hurts knowing there would not be anymore of their story in the future =(((