Omfg i just read ch14 in spanish and i just got one more reason why i love this manga . SP...

UGH January 8, 2018 2:32 pm

Omfg i just read ch14 in spanish and i just got one more reason why i love this manga
Ok so Taichi goes and sees her mother again to talk to her righht
And well at some point she tells him kids cannot be happy being raised by two man
Like how dare she but then Sweet Taichi just tells her
He had a mother but was never happy and she just started to cry
Fucking clapping for that comeback
Its all losely translated but im in love cuz this manga just shows like real life problems are

    Assasin1827 February 6, 2018 11:54 pm

    what a first class bitch. Someone should tell her that homosexual marriage is more than capable of raising children into healthy adults in society and yes, it has been scientifically proven....