Looking for a manga

Ruka January 8, 2018 1:15 am

Hi! I've been trying to find a yaoi manga i read a long time ago. I don't remember much about it but the plot is like this:
The seme is an yakuza (rank 2 in the group) and the uke is a doctor working in his uncle/grandfather's clinic and often treats people in the seme group. In the beginning, the seme liked his boss, and found out the uke's feeling. They would have sex everytime the seme called the uke after the clinic closed but the seme treated the uke badly. And there was once the uke didn't want to meet the seme. Many things happened and seem like the seme came to love the uke. And I think the seme was once badly injured.
Anyone know about this manga???
Please help me!!!
