Really, he hasn't done that much when compared to a lot more characters. They both suffered something terrible when they were younger, suffered because of that but in a way Yuki did get affected more by that. He has issues and needs to move on, find other friends. Yes he is too obsessive and shouldn't have lied but he was just a guy who felt like he was going to get left out. You're stuck in different classes,your friends gets a new friend, starts talking to you less etc. Of course you would be upset. But even through their relationship isn't healthy and he is obsessive, he still told the seme to go after his best friend at night because he was worried. He couldn't go out himself because of his phobia. Yet, he still cares enough about his friends to go against what he was trying to achieve through out all the 3 chapters just so his friend would be safe. While all this happened he just clearly felt helpless, but he still placed his friends above his feeling. The guy clearly can change, if the manga just introduces someone to him, he can slowly make more friends and over time deal with the issues that he has.
Wow by reading the comments I was expecting to dislike the 1st pairing and feel bad for Yuki but ... Huh ? They were cute and actually healthy.
What did Takao and Hiro do wrong except falling in love ? Was Takao wrong for wanting to actually move on and fight his fear ? Instead of being stuck in the past like Yuki unfortunately is ? Was Yuki supposed to be his whole word forever ?
It's like the love some people on here have for Yuki (and the bestfriend trope) blinded them and they couldn't see that Yuki's behaviour became toxic for all of them.
Ofc he has his reasons, so I don't hate him, but those are what explains his actions not what excuses them.
He went too far and I hope he'll realize it during his own story. He deserves his happiness and I hope he'll realize that he'll always have a place in Takao's life.