I feel like ppl should do what they want to as long as they aint causing anyone else harm. Perhaps Kouta has some hormonal condition or some other biological thing that affects his weight. Maybe he simply likes eating. Point is, it's his health so it shouldn't matter what we think.
Also, since we talking about being healthy and all, I'm prone to having kidney stones (runs in the family) and I've had them since I was 18 years old (which is a very young age to be having kidney stones). I eat healthy and my health has always been great. No complains with my blood tests ever., yet my kidneys are fucked up. I've been getting stones every 6 months and if this sht keeps going this way I could end up getting chronic kidney disease which leads to renal failure which leads to me getting an organ transplant successfully or dying from an infection. And ya I try to take care of myself specially since each one of those stones hurts like a bitch but my condition isnt about my eating habits. It's about my family heritage. Even 18 year olds with the worst eating habits arent likely be getting a stone and here I am going to receptionists at emergency or urgent care clinics telling em "I got a UTI. I need some antibiotics". And yet, even tho I have a great health record, I gotta be watching what I eat. Just to name a few, I aint supposed to be eating oranges, grapes, pineapples, tomatoes, nuts, seeds, potatoes, white flour, brown rice flour, cocoa, carrots, and sugar. The list is long and honestly its stressful to think about all that I should and shouldn't eat & this is all simply cause my kidneys came with a manufacturing error. Even your 40 year old person who gets a stone for the first time can keep living the rest of their lives til they die without having to ever endure another UTI and stone passing. So ya, I'm fked but you know what? If I wanna eat some potatoes then you betcha Imma eat some potatoes. I might die from my kidneys some day but welp who knows. I'll take care of myself when I can, and eat what I want when I can't. I decided to enjoy my life and keep eating some good ol rotis regardless of everything. So for fucks sake, let ppl eat whatever they want and have whatever weight they want. It's their life and anyway we all gonna die someday.

So, the crack or meth addict shouldn't get help because... fuck it, they're gonna die anyway! Jesus fucking christ! Just how irresponsible can one human be?! Who gives a fuck about the people who love the addict or the obese person. Their love is useless in the face of such astounding SELFISH BEHAVIOUR. Not only is your attitude just lazy as fuck, it's selfish and irresponsible. Maybe you don't deserve the love that is offered to you with an attitude like that! Shit! How would you like it if someone you loved basically told you your love was less important than shoving their face with Big Macs or sticking a needle in their arm? People with your attitude should live alone on an island so your selfishness doesn't hurt the people around you who know how to love someone other than themselves! IT'S NOT JUST YOUR LIFE YOU ARE AFFECTING!

Calm down a moment, people. It appears that 2 nerves were hit really hard, and I do not think that was the original posters intention. First off, please remember that this is just a manga.
As for real life, you both make some good points. You shouldn't force a person to diet unwillingly, as that can actual cause more damage and problems. The character when on a crash diet and could very easily have fallen into an ED such as bulimia or anorexia. It quickly becomes a control thing and gets worse from there.
Yes, sometimes there is more involved in being overweight and just trying to be healthy is not always that easy. Sometimes even dieting does not help. And yes, being overweight will cause health issues.
That being said, the kid is still a teenager, and is, so far, still rather healthy. As long as he does not take things to the extreme (which apparently the character is prone to do or he would not have started trying to gain more weight after just trying to lose it, all in what he felt was an attempt to please the seme), he is fine. I think that IF it came down to health issues, the seme would definitely want and help him to lose the weight, but in a healthier fashion than just a crash diet.
Yes, to a degree, it is very selfish to not think about how our bad habits affect those around us, who have to watch us die.
No, not everything is going to kill us. And while some people have lead long and relatively healthy lives while still being overweight, it is more the exception than it is the rule.
But, again, we round back to the fact that this is a manga. Where the author can write it anyway they want and not have to worry about whether it is realistic or not. And the last thing any of us should be doing is getting into a verbal brawl because someone innocently made a personal observation by way of a basic fact.

First of all, I don't think crack or meth are comparable to being overweight or obese. Why? Because crack or meth can affect your behavior and could (worse came) lead u to hurt someone. Also, meth and crack is something ppl get involved with by choice unless they are forced to. In contrast, I was born with these kidneys and people who have problems with their weight could be from depression or problems with their hormones among other things which is also something they didn't look for. Like other organs, kidneys start becoming unhealthy with time and therefore it's not rare for a person to have a kidney stone at age 40+. However, I started getting stones at 18 due to my family heritage. There are babies that are born with stones as well. For ppl like me where it is something that is inherited, getting stones isn't the result of shitty eating habits. Even if we eat healthily like I have my whole life, we are still likely to get stones. The only thing that I can eat which won't contribute to stones forming in my kidneys is meat and having meat 3 meals a day everyday is unrealistic and expensive. Also, you can get cured from crack and meth addiction. As hard as going through rehab can be, you can still get cured from your addiction. In contrast, there is no cure to my sick kidneys. They are something I have to live with my whole life. If there was a cure, it would be a kidney transplant, but even then I have to wait for my kidneys to completely crash for my situation to be considered dire enough to go sign up for that list. With the cases of weight problem I stated, there is also no cure. The only 'cure' is a diet and diets aren't cures, they are a way of life. Just like me, these people are stuck with the way their bodies are the rest of their lives. Even if they manage to lose weight and be a weight low enough for society not to judge them it's not like their job is done and now they can relax. They'll need to continue to do what they're doing in order to not revert back to their heavier weight.
Second, you may call me lazy & irresponsible, but what is to be hardworking & responsible by your books? Meat is the only thing that won't give me stones and, like I said, it's unrealistic to eat meat everyday only. Too much of anything in this life can lead to health problems. Yeah I do eat meat but if I were to eat it all the time even if my kidneys were alright with that it doesn't mean the rest of my body is going to be alright. If my kidneys weren't a hereditary problem, I wouldn't even need to worry about what I was eating cas I would likely never get a stone again til I died. Unfortunately for me, there is no cure for kidneys like mine which are going downhill faster than your average aging person so the only thing I can do so that things wont be so bad is take more consideration into what I'm eating. They literally give you a list when you go to the urologist of food that are really bad for you and food that are still bad but not as bad with meat being the only shit without oxalates and veggies and greens being bad for me.(I can also consume things high in calcium in order to reduce stone production). Honestly, fuck me. I understand you don't realize how stressful it's been to be in a supermarket and know the only thing that wont mess with your health be milk, cheese, and meat, but sometimes I just want to eat some lentil soup or some arroz con pollo or some cookies or some. I do my best but seriously can't expect meat and milk to be the only things in my fridge. Personally, I feel hopeless at times because everything's bad for me and to be honest I don't think that's how life is supposed to be.
Third, in response to you calling me selfish-> I want to make clear that yeah I love my family very much. However, my #1 person is myself, not my mother, father, or brothers. Therefore, I care about my health more than anyone else. My driving force to move forward is myself and no one else. Honestly, I think anyone that comes tell me I'm being selfish is the real selfish one cas at the end of the day this is still my life. Regardless of how others similar to me think, this is how I personally see these things. The one who gets to suffer through the kidneys stones, nephritic colics and UTI's is me, not you. I'm not obligated to listen to anyone telling me that I'm not taking care of myself, because ain't nobody putting as much effort as I am when it comes to improving my health. From my point of view, it's those people that say things like that that are unable to put themselves on my shoes and try to understand how I feel. I'm sick *for life*. Do you understand that? *Nothing* absolutely NOTHING is going to improve my situation. The only thing I can do is put effort into *trying* to prevent things get worse because there aint even a guarantee that shit won't hit the fan. Can you understand that? If you think I'm selfish and irresponsible for wanting to drink some orange juice or eat a bad of potato chips instead of never doing those things again for the rest of my life, then I think you need to reconsider where you stand. I'm not out here trying to kill myself and I'm not going out of my way to cause myself or anyone else harm. I'm just here trying to live my life. I do what I can but I can't promise you or anyone that I will only consume milk and meat for the rest of my life.
What I really wanna say is, my weight is fine and yet I'm not healthy. I feel hopeless at times and it's painful but ppl can't understand that and all they can ever say with innocent ignorance is to take care of myself and not eat things I'm not supposed to. Even living alone can be dangerous for me cas if I get a very bad nephritic colic and pass out, there won't be anyone there to call me an ambulance or drive me to the emergency. My life has turned into a constant melody of "I can't eat this, or this, or this", and sometimes I just wanna forget that and enjoy my life and eat something I love even if just for a moment. You know, it's okay if you can't understand how I feel. It's not possible for us to trade shoes, and, although I comprehend what you're saying, I really feel like people should enjoy their lives whether they decide to put effort to try to live longer like me or not. To me, there's no point in living if you aren't happy or enjoying yourself or doing something that makes you feel like living is worthwhile. A life full of constant worry, hopelessness, and hateful/shallow comments from others just doesn't seem worth it to me. People should be allowed to do what makes them happy (as long as they aint harming anyone). That's just my opinion.
I'm not trying to get into a brawl with anyone and I get it if u can't relate to how I see things. In fact, I respect your response cas rather than being someone who simply hates on ppl for being fat, you put your focus on the impact that someone who doesn't take care of themselves can have on their family.
I mean, he SHOULD lose weight because of all the health problems associated with obesity...
But that was real cute (≧∀≦)