Ugh holidays, family, getting criticized for the way you do every single thing! Sorry i dont use microwave or drink sodas. I know you would do this that and this to make the food better. The joy is spreading! I have a mantra I repeat to myself every day, I am at peace.....but now it has changed to Only xx more days, currently Only 15 more days.
They make the food taste funny, at least in my head it does {____}
In your head is where your life is so your opinion that microwaves make the food you eat taste funny is the only one that matters. The kind of people who say what you experience isn't true piss me off. It's not their tongue so how would they know.
Ugh holidays, family, getting criticized for the way you do every single thing! Sorry i dont use microwave or drink sodas. I know you would do this that and this to make the food better. The joy is spreading! I have a mantra I repeat to myself every day, I am at peace.....but now it has changed to Only xx more days, currently Only 15 more days.