Have you completed the novel?If you have,then please tell me will they really get a happy ending?Because as long as I know they got a really tragic ending in season 1.So,I lost all my hope on the novel.When will they really meet again?Please,please,please,tell me.

I'm so sorry, I gave up on it T_T
I was half way into the second book and apparently there were a few resets. I don't know if people want spoilers but I guess I'll just let you guys know that I got frustrated. There is a possibility that they will eventually find each other again in the mix of worlds but I couldn't read on. I decided to take a break cuz I was so frustrated:(

You mean,they won't meet easily on the second season?That's why I also gave up on the manga. I have decided I won't read it until they meet again.Honestly, Chinese mangas are really interesting but at the same time filled with huge rollarcoasters. Anyway, thanks for your reply.

Could they recognize each other?

What kind of shit is this?There will be only resets but they won't get a happy ending?I am really frustrated!

There might be a happy ending... I never said there wouldn't be one. I just got frustrated before I got to that part xD Just taking a break from that frustration before I get back to it. From what I read, I'd say there's a big chance of them finally getting together since they love each other so deeply. There are just too many obstacles for them to overcome lol, world travel being the biggest one.
Okay, for those who can read chinese, I've found the chinese novel. The latest chapter 60 of the manhua raws are somewhere in chapter 54 of the novel in season 1. Here are the links.
Season 1: http://www.kanunu8.com/book3/6913/
Season 2: http://www.kanunu8.com/book3/6914/