I like this story but I'm disappointed that Shima never stopped being cold and distant.

Zarathustra December 30, 2017 4:41 pm

Togawa was a great guy ... funny and so patient with Shima. Also, despite being straight, it didn't seem he went though any doubt about openly assuming his relationship with Shima. However, I was was expecting Shima to evolve a bit after they finally got together. He never seemed to show warmth towards Togawa and even after being together for more than a year, the guy was just distant and cold as ever. I was almost rooting Togawa broke up so Shima could wake up and make a little more effort. He kind of pissed me off.

    Jesss March 7, 2018 9:57 am

    its a misconception that "loves changes you." people dont easily change. i found it realistic that he stayed as he always was.

    cat knight bytes March 7, 2018 10:27 am
    its a misconception that "loves changes you." people dont easily change. i found it realistic that he stayed as he always was. Jesss

    I agree and Shima is written as a very Jpn. traditional character, prim and proper.

    Roymustang March 20, 2018 3:24 pm
    I agree and Shima is written as a very Jpn. traditional character, prim and proper. @cat knight bytes

    I agree but what I don't like it's that both of the "straight" guys were still calling "straight" even after going out and having sex with their MAN lovers, come on, you are so not straight, Bi perhaps, but absolutely not straight

    Ayman April 14, 2018 4:16 pm

    I love this story and I've read it a couple of times and although I understand the point that they were actually two incompatible who fall in love -- the cheerful, laid-back Togawa and the gloomy, stickup depressed Shima, I get what you mean. The special chapter in the end when they are already one year together and Shima is as distant as ever really pinches on my heart. I do think relationships change people, especially if they are small changes that tend to make our partner to smile. Togawa stopped drinking, smoking for Shima even before they were formally a couple and he did it without Shima even asking ... these were very sweet things. One year on their relationship and it seems Togawa is begging for small things like call each others by first name, a little more warmth. I can't even imagine seeing Shima even smiling once. I suspect Shima lives in a permanent state of pessimistic mind, just waiting for something bad to happen and as much as I understand patience and love, I can't help but think it must be exhausting to live with someone so gloomy all the time and that doesn't reciprocate -- or even more, act like he is annoyed with affection. If my lover, husband, boyfriend wiped out my kiss from his mouth like Shima does it, it would break my heart. I wish there was a continuation of their story just so we know if Shima ever relaxed a bit or does something pro active towards their relationship. He did went after Togawa but apparently the 'try my best' doesn't include small gestures of tenderness. I wonder if someday Togawa will just give up and feel insecure himself with Shima's apathy.

    Zarathustra April 16, 2018 4:45 am
    I love this story and I've read it a couple of times and although I understand the point that they were actually two incompatible who fall in love -- the cheerful, laid-back Togawa and the gloomy, stickup depre... @Ayman

    I've reread this story a couple of times too since my original post.
    This author has a way to write characters with personalities and quirks and there is always this intelligent humor in her stories. I keep coming back to everything she writes.

    I don't know, I still feel like shaking Shima up and telling him to relax already and give in something but I did warmed up a bit more to the character, Or maybe it's just because I like Togawa so much, I want to believe he will be happy forever and feel loved and enjoy many moments of Shima showing him quiet signs of affection even if we don't see it. Maybe he will win over Shima's insecurities, shyness, reluctance or whatever it is the problem over the years, just like he won over Shima as boyfriend. Hopefully by now Shima is calling him by his first name, at least in their intimate moments? LOl. Or he stopped wiping out the kisses. Maybe he moved in with Togawa? Or maybe Shima is the kind of partner that needs to feel the loss of something to feel how much he needed it? Like those small touches that Togawa steals ... Shima says he doesn't like it but I imagine if he noticed Togawa gradually giving up on these gestures, I bet he would miss it and get brooding over the change, maybe he would suddenly grab Togawa's hand. I can only imagine Togawa's face if Shima ever takes the initiative of a PDA.
    Anyway, I wish we could see how Togawa and Shima are doing now... hopefully still going on double dates with Deguchi and Onoda. I bet Togawa and Deguchi would be like natural friends and every time they met, they would be the ones talking like a pair of old pals while Shima would be as quiet as always and Onoda still adorable awkward in between shy and politely sociable and both a bit jealous of Togawa and Deguchi easy bond. Dreams...