Sooo... anyone knows how did that anon thread got deleted?

Lightasus December 30, 2017 3:18 am

Sooo... anyone knows how did that anon thread got deleted?

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 3:56 am

    Too much name calling and swearing?

    Lightasus December 30, 2017 4:02 am
    Too much name calling and swearing? @Anonymous

    That may be the why but still doesn't answer the how ^.^'
    Well, I guess there may be some form of moderation here after all.

    tokidoki December 30, 2017 6:08 am
    That may be the why but still doesn't answer the how ^.^'Well, I guess there may be some form of moderation here after all. Lightasus

    I think that even anonymous posts can be deleted by the OP ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Sad that my cucumber

    For this time Anon December 30, 2017 11:27 am

    Sorry, guys, I reported it because it was degenerating in trolling (trash war).

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 2:11 pm
    Sorry, guys, I reported it because it was degenerating in trolling (trash war). @For this time Anon

    ? Noone talks here and it's even worse when active threads gets deleted. Are you gonna talk now and generate discussion?

    For this time Anon December 30, 2017 2:19 pm
    ? Noone talks here and it's even worse when active threads gets deleted. Are you gonna talk now and generate discussion? @Anonymous

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ better than having anons calling others trolls and/or "put your fingers in your ass" Sorry, I'll do it again if I see this kind of "gentleness" .

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 2:49 pm
    ? Noone talks here and it's even worse when active threads gets deleted. Are you gonna talk now and generate discussion? @Anonymous

    When you say generate discussion, there's almost nothing to 'generate discussion' on in the first place. There's only so many times you can theorize: will Fei end up with someone and who OR if Akihito will get strong OR is Mik gonna be an ally or is he the 'final villain' OR is it some unknown Russian group etc
    Any story direction the plot could go in, has been theorized to the ground.
    The only thing you'll get is either a boring repition of what's been said before, or a trolling shitshow.

    Lightasus December 30, 2017 2:58 pm

    Well, doesn't really have to be about Finder, I do recall we've had quite a few really interesting political and historical discussions here to only mention that haha. Been a while but that used to be a thing from time to time.

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 4:28 pm
    When you say generate discussion, there's almost nothing to 'generate discussion' on in the first place. There's only so many times you can theorize: will Fei end up with someone and who OR if Akihito will get ... Smoothie

    You are the trolling shitshow.

    Anonymous December 30, 2017 4:32 pm
    When you say generate discussion, there's almost nothing to 'generate discussion' on in the first place. There's only so many times you can theorize: will Fei end up with someone and who OR if Akihito will get ... Smoothie

    Active minds that aren't obsessed with complaining can always find something of substance to discuss. Not that you would know.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 5:16 pm
    Active minds that aren't obsessed with complaining can always find something of substance to discuss. Not that you would know. @Anonymous

    Yet there are discussions of substance happening here. No discussions happening in the Yamane-Ayano livejournal. No subreddit. Viewfinder on tumblr is also a graveyard.
    etc etc
    I wonder why.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 5:19 pm
    You are the trolling shitshow. @Anonymous

    You're probably the anon from the other thread and before, Hi stalker. You're always free to debunk what I say. You call me a troll but you never have anything of substance against what I say.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 5:21 pm
    Well, doesn't really have to be about Finder, I do recall we've had quite a few really interesting political and historical discussions here to only mention that haha. Been a while but that used to be a thing f... Lightasus

    True but that's besides my point. Not that I don't enjoy random political or historical topic if you go on a board for a different series your topic will be deleted if it's about that.

    I see you alot and I have to s December 30, 2017 8:42 pm
    You are the trolling shitshow. @Anonymous

    Smoothie is a huge troll or was. She was then but isn't now. Anytime Smoothie says something you reply back swearing and trolling. Comment after comment topic after topic month after months. No doubt it's you.
    Yes this forum is all trolling now as Smoothie says, but you're the one causing problems now not Smoothie. Proving her right. Are you trying to drive her away? Trolling a troll isn't going to work. Anyone can see you are having no affect. All you're doing is annoying everyone and driving more people away.

    For this time Anon December 30, 2017 9:41 pm
    Smoothie is a huge troll or was. She was then but isn't now. Anytime Smoothie says something you reply back swearing and trolling. Comment after comment topic after topic month after months. No doubt it's you.Y... @I see you alot and I have to s

    Well said.

    Smoothie December 30, 2017 11:16 pm
    Smoothie is a huge troll or was. She was then but isn't now. Anytime Smoothie says something you reply back swearing and trolling. Comment after comment topic after topic month after months. No doubt it's you.Y... @I see you alot and I have to s

    Lol exactly. As if those pathetic laughable insults would drive me away, I've told the troll many times. I actually find it very amusing that they THINK they are achieving something.
    The ONE thing you're wrong about me being a huge troll, I'm not. Anyone with sense would see that.

    I see you alot and I have to s December 30, 2017 11:43 pm
    Lol exactly. As if those pathetic laughable insults would drive me away, I've told the troll many times. I actually find it very amusing that they THINK they are achieving something. The ONE thing you're wrong ... Smoothie

    You aren't a troll that's what I said. But you didn't deny that you were one before did you? I'm not here to fight you but you for sure we're one. I read the older threads you know. I believe you came to specifically troll but you either got bored or actually like it here so stopped.

    Smoothie December 31, 2017 12:49 am

    I simply have pointed out facts people don't like and when someone attacks me I defend myself. Sure I'm tamer now, but it still doesn't mean I was a troll.