I can't speak for the CBEST but I took my GREs a couple months ago, I thought the real thing was pretty close to the practice questions. What messed me up a little was just how much longer the real test was compared to what I had been practicing.
Also truthfully when it came to some of the analytical questions it kind of came down a bit to luck. Some of the questions can be a little impossible to truly prepare for unless you buy the study materials or literally just memorize the entire dictionary. Most people I know ended up taking it at least a couple times and scored way higher on the test that just happened to have the right questions for them.
Rest well and eat a good meal before you go to help with the fatigue. Don't worry too much if you feel like taking it again, we all do! Good luck!!
has anyone taken CBEST or GRE? I need to take both this month and i am super nervous. I´ve been doing good on the practice tests, but i feel like they r too easy and makes me wonder how similar they are to the actual test. Please tell me if u have any tips. Btw, i live in U.S. (not sure if that matters). thanks