I also hate people who say that traps aren't gay and shit .....however you need to calm down your tits yourself, you sound ridiculous and cringy with your SJW rant.
"homophobic" sigh! such a dumbass word.
It's still gay if they're a tranny! They are still a man! No amount of genital mutilation can change that!
I gotta admit something
I've been extremely happy about the lack of homophobes screaming traps aren't gay-
Yes there are plenty who dress as such simply cause they like it
In comics where the trap CLEARLY went after a guy to fuck him - that's gay
Unless they themselves are m to f
But also
The q itself is usually homophobes saying they aren't gay after wanting to fuck a guy
Truly straight guys lose their boners once they find out its a guy in real life
I turned this into a rant
Im just pissed at people assuming sexual orientations and then still making gays out to be toxic things that they can't touch
Or they'll be "contaminated"
Let me just
Punch you